For a limited time, purchase Fallout 4 on Steam and get the exclusive Fallout 4 Announcer Pack for Dota 2, starring Mister Handy.*
The Dota 2 Fallout 4 Announcer Pack will replace the Default announcer and Mega-Kills announcer with the voice of everyone’s favorite robotic butler, Mister Handy.
*The Fallout 4 Announcer Pack is expected to be available in Dota 2 by mid-November. All purchases of the game on Steam through the month of November will include the announcer pack.The announcer pack will be automatically granted to purchasers' Steam inventory as soon as it is available. The announcer pack will be backfilled to all pre-purchases made on Steam.
{:3_119:}我等日语版的.. 还以为是Fallout4的语音包... 这机翻翻的,果然送的是给DOTA2用的语音而已,事实上反过来也不可能,因为按之前的说法辐射4的主角配音就做了4年,重新做一遍估计B社自己也得疯了 BLUEBLOOD2 发表于 2015-10-23 15:09 static/image/common/back.gif
这机翻翻的,果然送的是给DOTA2用的语音而已,事实上反过来也不可能,因为按之前的说法辐射4的主角配音就做了4 ...