想修改无限弹药和无线消音器耐久不会:victory: :handshake谢谢 据说FOB战用修改器被人举报了会被封号几天,但是你不开着修改器直接跟人对战的话就没事。 通关了会送你一个头巾 戴上后有这个功能 正版单机是肯定不会的,我全程都用修改器,没任何问题。
不过LZ这个问题,5L是对的,有无限头巾,不过就是用了的话重打任务只能拿到A以下,如果拿来搞side ops那是最好不过了。 Darth0Tyranus 发表于 2015-9-23 10:43 static/image/common/back.gif
据说FOB战用修改器被人举报了会被封号几天,但是你不开着修改器直接跟人对战的话就没事。 ...
也就封个几百天吧 joe5436611 发表于 2015-10-16 22:37 static/image/common/back.gif
因为我知道以后会不停的举报你啊 :$ joe5436611 发表于 2015-10-17 00:43 static/image/common/back.gif
幸好有大哥你提问了,我就不用再问一遍了~~~谢谢先锋者 joe5436611 发表于 2015-10-17 00:43 static/image/common/back.gif
不会啊 人家FOB全部S++女兵都没事 我还顺手借了几十个 要封的话 不知道要封多少入侵过他的人 现在是S++全部FOB都是的人大把 我没看谁给封 偷完他们人以后我就老掉线 无所谓~~~妥妥的用 I read the online message regarding "mods"
What I take away:
Mods such as character changes would be classified as "illicit changes"... and those, as per the message, are "quarantine." Which means people that turned Snake into Quiet or such are NOT going to get their games matched to unmodded players, but only to other modded players.
OTHER mods... like time hack, resource etc, would be classified as cheat and going further I don't know what mods are out that fall under malicious, but I would assume anything that interferes with other players would fall under it. And it's THOSE that are likely to get they accounts banned and such.
Maybe the real issue is how it being interpreted.