本帖最后由 wangqijyl 于 2015-8-13 03:40 编辑GAMESPOT 原文:
Resident Evil 2 Remake Confirmed
Survival-horror classic is being remade for PS4, Xbox One, and PC by team behind Resident Evil HD Remaster.
by Tamoor Hussain on August 12, 2015
Capcom is remaking PlayStation One survival-horror classic Resident Evil 2 for modern consoles.
A video announcing the project reveals it is being headed up by Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, producer of the Resident Evil HD Remaster released in January 2015, and Capcom R&D Division 1.
Speaking in the video, Hirabayashi said the project was given the go ahead "thanks to your incredible passion and support."
He continues: "You've been telling us for years that you want Resident Evil 2 to be remade, and we haven't been able to make it happen... until now! We at R&D Division 1 will do our best to take on your feedback and deliver the gameplay experience you've been waiting for."
Hirabayashi's statement indicate the project is in the very early stages of development and "it will be some time before can bring you an update on this project."
It is likely the decision to remake Resident Evil 2 is a response to the fan-made Resident Evil 2 remake, which developed a following from series enthusiasts and caught Capcom's eye. On July 30, 2015, Capcom asked fans for their opinions on a Resident Evil 2 remake, indicating it was considering the undertaking itself.
A day later, Hirabayashi confirmed he had pitched Resident Evil 2 HD to his boss, the results of which have now been revealed.
Capcom has issued a statement regarding the remake to VideoGamer: "We're pleased to confirm that Resident Evil 2 has been approved for development," a representative said.
"As the title is only just starting its development cycle we unfortunately don't have any additional information or assets to share at this time.
"For now we want our fans to know that we appreciate all the feedback and support we've received on this title. We're looking forward to delivering this highly anticipated Resident Evil experience that fans have been waiting for."
Although specific release platforms are yet to be announced, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC are likely candidates. The site also says it "understands the title will be a complete remake of the original game."
Remakes of classics have proven to be a big success for Capcom. The company highlighted re-releases as a "key business activity" in a financial briefing, going so far as to say it intends on pursuing more in the future.
"HD remasters of our catalogue hit titles will be one of our key business activities ... created new demand for these titles. For example, overseas download sales of "Resident Evil" (HD Remastered) in the past fiscal year were far higher than we expected.
"It is not a risk but rather the growth of the download sales channel gives users more options. We regard this as growth in opportunities to have allow access for more people to enjoy our games."
Resident Evil HD Remaster was released in January 20 on consoles and PC, and broke sales records for Capcom, becoming the fastest selling digital title in the company's history across North America and Europe. To follow this up, Capcom announced the remaster of Gamecube exclusive Resident Evil Zero.
这太好了,生化危机系列最好都出高清版 喜闻乐见 重制越多越好 卡普空 是冷饭王 这个一定要收藏。 这个2代的重制,素质绝不可能比1代好,不信到时候看 专注炒饭20年 日本要一直落后下去了,好机会。 又炒冷饭 不会是像FF7一样出个HD马赛克版吧 哇,好香好香 66666666666666666 看图来讲没什么重制的必要吧… http://www.blacksheepgame.com/uploads/allimg/150812/174_150812233515_1.jpg
http://www.blacksheepgame.com/uploads/allimg/150812/174_150812233526_1.jpg 不知道XP能不能玩
{:3_126:} 期待啊 不知道什么时候上市 2代是我最喜欢的作品,真是好消息呀。 这冷饭炒得估计还是能可以试试吃吃的吧啊 既然1有了,2应该也快了…… 生化七真的已燒紙 谢言谢谢 二代是真正的双主角设定,很特殊的一代生化,要是能用新引擎新技术新设定完全重新制作倒是值得期待的,这弄个HD版没啥意思。 希望不要原样重置,不好玩的,有那么个大体意思就行。 先是一碗蛋炒饭,然后加点水变烫饭,再来点水成稀饭,然后是米汤,最后就是一碗凉白开,我对生化危机的感觉就是那碗凉白开! 单纯的HD没有意义,我估计重置或许会连操作和视角都有改变,应该说算是彻底的重新做一遍游戏吧 终于能重温经典了。 肯定要重做啊,细节都要精致一点