v0.150722A 更新内容
本帖最后由 空白格、丶丶 于 2015-7-22 20:58 编辑Information: Old save games can not be loaded.
– In Statistics menu you can now see the financial report for each year.
– Publishing offers, you can now see in the manager’s office.
– Now you can automatically continue the research.
– Game improvements must now be researched.
– “Statistics – My Games”: Here you can now see the games of subsidiary companies and your share.
– Orders are now canceled when the price of games is raised.
– The own language is now free.
– If the game has too many bugs that appears in the game review.
– Limp-desks changed graphically.
– Adjusted minimum size for production, graphic studio and sound studio.
– In the options you can now hide “Mad Games Awards” and “Mad Games Conversation”.
– Maximum number of visitors “Mad Games Convention” adjusted.
– Minimizes graphic errors of walls.
– Different languages have been updated.
– Bug removed: Graphic studio desks should no longer turn into servers.
– Bug removed: Revenue share of games of subsidiaries has been calculated incorrectly.
– Bug removed: You could develop engines and updates while you did not have enough money.
– Bug removed: If you had too many fans, there were freezes.
– Various minor bugs fixed.
{:3_94:}这作者更新好流弊好给力啊 这次更新不错 游戏尺寸解锁不了啊,谁解锁到A了 新版流畅好多 没以前卡了 hackc 发表于 2015-7-23 07:29 static/image/common/back.gif
又要重来,我去 st.疯子 发表于 2015-7-24 21:31 static/image/common/back.gif
本帖最后由 空白格、丶丶 于 2015-7-27 01:01 编辑
gz6112sv2 发表于 2015-7-26 19:19 static/image/common/back.gif
这是BUG造成的 原因我已经排查清楚可能是你自己把英文翻译成中文才出现的漏洞 你只要把英文翻译成中文后面其实还存在一个回车键 不信你可以在翻译好的后面打上一个《.》他会出现跑到下一行比如说我吧这是我已经翻译好的 每一行后面都有一个回车键只要删除即可 如果不是这问题请不要在游戏里面点自动研究 如果点了可能会出现你这样的问题无研究可用 只能一个一个的研究了 图像也是 图像工作室没有显示要改善的字幕只要改一下同上的即可
。。。不过23A没带来多大的更新 所以还是期待下次的更新吧!