本帖最后由 mnkjoilhk 于 2015-5-29 08:56 编辑可以卖饰品了,好像饰品套装出来了。
HOTFIXES Added today (May 28)
[*]Potential fix to battle stall crash
[*]Fixed crash when loading quest types that don't exist; fixed crash when generating dungeon/region level 7 quests
[*]Fixed bug where some curio-item interactions were not triggering
[*]Fixed brigand cannon crash fix
[*]Fixed bug that was causing stall penalty stress to happen in wrong situations
[*]Fixed crash and bugs related to trinkets, trinket selling, trinket sorting
[*]Slightly reduced self stress from getting knocked to Death's Door
[*]Fixed Ancestor's Statue crash
New Features
[*]New Hero Class! Man-At-Arms
[*]New Hero Class! Arbalest
[*]New Ruins Boss! Gibbering Prophet
[*]New Warens Boss! Formless Flesh
[*]New Weald Boss! Brigand Cannon
[*]New Loot: The Ancestor’s Trinket set. Ultra-rare items once held by the Ancestor himself - be warned, some of these trinkets are only found in the pitch dark!
[*]New Building! Ancestor's Statue: Click the statue to open the Ancestor's Memoirs - a record of all cutscenes and boss backstories!
[*]Heart Attacks! Don’t let your heroes get too stressed. If your stress bar fills again past affliction...it’s over.
[*]Sell your junk! In the Trinket Inventory, hold shift to see sell back value, shift+click to sell trinkets
[*]Crit-heals! Heal, critically!
[*]Tons of Party Names as created by Kickstarter and Humble backers!
UI Improvements
[*]Added z-depth to the Hamlet, improved building menu interaction, revised all times of day
[*]Graveyard: Added a background and new Caretaker pose; Tombstones change to reflect resolve level at time of death, UI improvements, scrollbar
[*]Activity Log: UI improvements for easier 'at a glance' parsing of the activity log, scrollbars
[*]Trinket inventory now supports sorting by class restriction and rarity, and a scrollbar
[*]“Unequip all Trinkets” button for quick Trinket wiping
[*]Updated art on remaining incomplete trinkets
[*]Quest Select: Approved party names from player survey
[*]Updated roster sorting buttons' colors to reduce visual noise
[*]Class sort now sorts by preferred position
[*]Added hotkey ( c ) to bring up/dismiss character panel
[*]Manual torch snuffing for more control of lighting level (mouse over torch for instructions)
[*]HP bar animation when healing for greater visual feedback
[*]Additional map controls and logic (-/= or -/+ on numpad to control map zoom)
[*]Map now follows the party, remembers its zoom setting after scouting
[*]Clarified presentation of PROT (protection) in some places. PROT starts as a % which gets multiplied by the hero or monster’s Max HP. This gives a damage mitigation (armor points) number. For example, 20% PROT x 30 HP = 6 Protection pts. Each hit that lands will have 6 points absorbed before any damage gets through. Additional future work expected.
[*]“Marked” no longer referred to as “tagged” in some tooltips
[*]Improved various menus and icons in the game
[*]New / unique trinket art for trinkets with missing art
Gameplay / Balancing Improvements
[*]Darkness is now more deadly: reduced player crit bonus in low light, slightly increased chance of players being surprised in low light, increased stress damage in low light, slightly increased monster dmg in zero light, slightly reduced gold bonus in low light
[*]Adjusted Dungeon / Region leveling to fit new boss plot quests
[*]Max upgraded Roster size increased - this may be temporary!
[*]Trinkets: Tuning of Trinket award rates and rarities
[*]Trinkets: Balancing/redesign pass on many Trinkets
[*]I’m stuffed! Limit added to Food consumption to reduce over-eating exploit
[*]Plague Doctor: increased Blight Resistance
[*]Bounty Hunter - Hook and Slice is now reworked as a rank 3 / 4 targeting bleed attack
[*]Bounty Hunter - Slight nerf to Finish Him damage bonuses on the Stun Killer effect
[*]Leper - Revenge removed ACC penalty and slightly reduced CRIT bonuses
[*]Leper - Intimidate: reworked the skill to be a strong debuff skill with some damage, affects ranks 1/2 together
[*]Reduced Crit-heal percentage
[*]Reduced companion stress from Death’s Door
[*]Slightly reduced average crit damage from monsters
[*]All L3/L5 monsters have slightly increased HP which may make for slightly longer fights / increased value of buffs and debuffs.
[*]Many size 2 monsters have more HP (Carrion Eater, Swinetaur, Unclean Giant)
[*]Crone: now harder to hit, increased Crone’s Curse debuff and added extra target possibilities to her debuff attacks
[*]Swinetaur can now do running attacks from ranks 2+ instead of 3+. Ole!
[*]Monster Brains - improvements to default brains to make somewhat more deadly as monsters level up
[*]Monster Brains - more monsters have their own brains (much more to come)
[*]Original bosses (Necromancer, Hag, Swine Prince) now have nastier behaviors as they level up
[*]“Heal Received” buff now on certain Skills and Trinkets
[*]And probably a few secret things...
General Bug Fixes
[*]Activity Log entry cutoff issue
[*]Activity Log names update when heroes are renamed
[*]Torch disabled during ambushes with tooltip explanation
[*]Health bar showing up on second quest bug
[*]Profile reposition bug on Main Menu
[*]Raid Results UI layout fixes
[*]Non check-marked room bug
[*]Miscellaneous string edits
[*]Fixed AOE “+” positioning
[*]Fixed Plague Doctor camping pose
[*]Non-loading screen narration interrupting loading screen bug
[*]Swine Prince targeting fix
[*]Battle camera bug, getting stuck at the end of a round
[*]Removed background barks on Provisions screen
[*]Blood splatter no longer appears on misses and dodges
[*]Crash fix when death and Affliction check occur simultaneously by trap
[*]Narration queuing fixes
[*]Traps not appearing when spawned in a corridor previously visited
[*]Prevent surprises from occurring in tiles previously scouted or visited
[*]And more…!
:(来个汉子翻译一下 上面是修bug
•New Hero Class! Man-At-Arms 新英雄,武装男。 实际上是个会嘲讽反击和加队友buff的前排
•New Hero Class! Arbalest 新英雄 劲弩(女),我还没招到
•New Ruins Boss! Gibbering Prophet 废墟新boss 语无伦次的先知 我试着2个一级带2个0级去打一级的这个,全灭都没打掉三分之一的血。。。。会延时超高伤害技能,还有就是加Debuff,身前有3个障碍物,是物品,所以非常肉,有护甲不吃状态
•New Warens Boss! Formless Flesh 贫民窟新boss 无形的肉块 还没打
•New Weald Boss! Brigand Cannon 旷野新boss 土匪大炮 大炮是物体,带2个小弟和一个点火手。点火手死了大炮就叫人增员,一直杀小弟偶尔砍炮就行。但是大炮一旦发射几乎可以秒满血。大炮打空了会全队减压力。。。。。相对简单。
•New Loot: The Ancestor’s Trinket set. Ultra-rare items once held by the Ancestor himself - be warned, some of these trinkets are only found in the pitch dark!
新战利品 先祖的饰品(柜?套装?) :曾经由先祖亲自拥有的终极稀有物品。注意,有些饰品只能在无光条件下找到。(我无光见过一个黑暗祭坛,要我把火把给它,我没了。。。)
•New Building! Ancestor's Statue: Click the statue to open the Ancestor's Memoirs - a record of all cutscenes and boss backstories!
•Heart Attacks! Don’t let your heroes get too stressed. If your stress bar fills again past affliction...it’s over.
•Sell your junk! In the Trinket Inventory, hold shift to see sell back value, shift+click to sell trinkets
•Crit-heals! Heal, critically!
•Tons of Party Names as created by Kickstarter and Humble backers!
成吨的队伍名,由Kickstarter和Humble backers提供。 我现在知道两个名 修女-小丑-赏金-十字军 a single ray of humor(幽默之光) 另一个队伍忘记了,有瘟疫医生和麻风病人。 red hook(红钩这个游戏的制作小组叫这个) UI Improvements 界面优化
Hamlet 村庄
•Added z-depth to the Hamlet, improved building menu interaction, revised all times of day
•Graveyard: Added a background and new Caretaker pose; Tombstones change to reflect resolve level at time of death, UI improvements, scrollbar
•Activity Log: UI improvements for easier 'at a glance' parsing of the activity log, scrollbars
活动栏:界面增加,更容易“一眼”就分析活动栏发生了什么,滚动条。 好像是不同类别的事情,事情的背景颜色不同,升级建筑也有注明
•Trinket inventory now supports sorting by class restriction and rarity, and a scrollbar
•“Unequip all Trinkets” button for quick Trinket wiping
•Updated art on remaining incomplete trinkets
•Quest Select: Approved party names from player survey
任务选择(选人阶段):从玩家角度改进了队伍名 不懂
•Updated roster sorting buttons' colors to reduce visual noise
•Class sort now sorts by preferred position
Dungeon 地下城
•Added hotkey ( c ) to bring up/dismiss character panel
•Manual torch snuffing for more control of lighting level (mouse over torch for instructions)
•HP bar animation when healing for greater visual feedback
•Additional map controls and logic (-/= or -/+ on numpad to control map zoom)
•Map now follows the party, remembers its zoom setting after scouting
Misc 杂项
•Clarified presentation of PROT (protection) in some places. PROT starts as a % which gets multiplied by the hero or monster’s Max HP. This gives a damage mitigation (armor points) number. For example, 20% PROT x 30 HP = 6 Protection pts. Each hit that lands will have 6 points absorbed before any damage gets through. Additional future work expected.
重要![/b]明确了PROT(保护)的定义。PROT原来是一个百分比,可以倍增英雄或怪物的最大血量。现在提供一个伤害减免(护甲值)。举个例子,20% PROT x 30 HP = 6 点保护值(护甲)。每次受攻击都会被抵消掉6点。未来可能还会调整。
•“Marked” no longer referred to as “tagged” in some tooltips
•Improved various menus and icons in the game
•New / unique trinket art for trinkets with missing art
wintersrz 发表于 2015-5-29 19:06 static/image/common/back.gif
UI Improvements 界面优化
Hamlet 村庄
•Added z-depth to the Hamlet, improved building men ...
赞哦,感谢翻译 xdents 发表于 2015-5-29 17:50 static/image/common/back.gif
除了bug都给你译了 wintersrz 发表于 2015-5-29 19:06 static/image/common/back.gif
UI Improvements 界面优化
Hamlet 村庄
•Added z-depth to the Hamlet, improved building men ...
wintersrz 发表于 2015-5-29 19:57 static/image/common/back.gif