Ys Online: The Call of Solum
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oa8GFE5V6U回复:Ys Online: The Call of Solum
jeffrotooch (1 week ago) Replyok YS series OWN ..GO FUCK URSELF IF U DONT LIKE THIS GAME....and this YS online game..doesnt even look like a YS game at all..damn this one maybe the first YS game that will suck...but its online only so that doesnt count :D
= =第一条评论就很不爽的样子
回复:Ys Online: The Call of Solum
我对online无兴趣回复: Ys Online: The Call of Solum
- -这个视频是两年前上传的。。。不知道现在出了没有刚刚查了下。。。原来早就在运营了 不过是在韩国中国没有
回复:Ys Online: The Call of Solum
评论里一面倒的FUCK,看来好不到哪里去回复:Ys Online: The Call of Solum
online放弃回复:Ys Online: The Call of Solum
回复:Ys Online: The Call of Solum
双星不是也要ONLINE了嘛~唉回复:Ys Online: The Call of Solum
看到了~不过直接54 伊苏的网络版又是一韩国泡菜,纯一渣