永恒之柱现在解锁的还是未完全版 只有第1章
本帖最后由 orange890 于 2015-3-27 00:47 编辑永恒之柱皇家版的DLC目前依然还未解锁
然后运行一段时候 就出现解锁了
运行出现4个DLC 其中2个是预购奖励
实际上,我个人以为,现在流行的初始DLC这种模式,实际上是把新鲜感降低了,而且有点打乱主线节奏的意思。 通了么 沒有吧 那6G是壓縮 解開後就變13G了 俄不会吧,应改完全版啊,,,,{:3_184:} 没听说是章节游戏啊 把dlc的勾勾取消等一下 在勾接下來會有1.8g的檔案 之後就會在你的資料夾另外紀錄片記得還沒上
it is not when you deselect the DLC, but when reselecting it that you need to wait.
1. Deselect all of the DLC first
2. Select any non ingame DLC first just to see if it makes a new folder.
3. After selecting the first dlc look at the bottom of your steam client where it shows items completed. http://gyazo.com/8ae6de383f532886d4ace8ac5b0e4d0d (keep in mind with a cable connection, the guides will take time to complete)
4. Now go into your Pillars of Eternity main folder and look for either a strategy guide folder or whatever your version came with, rinse and repeat with all of the DLC and wait for the download to complete with each of them.
Here is how it looks now with the royal edition completed.
http://gyazo.com/806cf9f32778d5696c0c13a8de3ff17a Royal Edition就是多一些周边 那4个都是预购奖励 我的完整版是13个G
LZ你的steam游戏库分类是怎么设置的? 本帖最后由 icehust 于 2015-3-27 17:20 编辑
fanruoxi 发表于 2015-3-27 15:31 static/image/common/back.gif
看了你菜单 我就跪了~~