质量效应 破解出错
1,2个补丁都打了 还是出现问题如图回复:质量效应 破解出错
用RELOAD的DVD修正版到星图之前正常,之后只能看有没有新补丁了,不要用TRFF的修正,有木马,另一个最新的RELOAD也不要用回复:质量效应 破解出错
别试了。除了reloaded那个修补存档的破解能用外,其它都不能用的。回复:质量效应 破解出错
DNA的破解几乎不可能.............回复:质量效应 破解出错
June 4th, 2008 | 01:24
full working, savefix- guide changed by me, cos theres 50:50 to get Black Sceen when traveling first time with this “solution”
June 4th, 2008 | 05:26
When u start a fresh New Game, or a save, with never type console-commands, the crack works 100%! (Doors open, Game sequenzes between flight to another system, can get aboard everytime with no problems, and so on…)
But if u have onced used console-commands u get the thing with the Black Screen and cant enter ship sometimes.
回复:质量效应 破解出错
还是等个三两个星期看看再玩吧。回复:质量效应 破解出错
新出了个破解补丁应该是算是完美破解了,不过估计还有部分CRASH的问题,以下是这个CRACK的说明Now ahead to Galaxy-Map and it works!! Now u can travel everywhere, but the 1st
time u travel u get "again" a black Screen. (Seems to be 50:50 with Blackscreen,
cos of our Target). So, type in Console "at bioa_nor00.
You are now on Normandy (again) and see the door is looked, but..! and now the clue...
go again to Galaxy-Map and zoom once more in, and click the Planet u want,
and then....click on "Land". This funtion is in the "Planet-Descryption"
after the zoom before :))
At a few Planets u cant land so the Button Survey appears and u can collect Minerals.
I also noticed that u cant get over dock at c-sec on your ship.
Determinatin Progress is endless and u can move in there, what u
normaly not suppose to can. So i think after finishing a Planet u have
to get to Normandy with Console.
回复:质量效应 破解出错