本帖最后由 sdacfghn 于 2015-3-17 17:19 编辑New / Load Game are grey in the menu? 新游戏和读取游戏是灰色的?MAC USERSMAC用户1) Launch Finder.打开Finder2) Menu: Go > Go to folder. Enter ~/.config/ 前往>前往文件夹 输入~/.config/ 3) Select .config and press ⌘-I to open folder properties 按⌘加I 打开文件夹菜单4) In sharing and permission change all access from Read to Read and write.把权限从读取改为写入和读取应用到所有下属文件夹4.1)Menu: Go > Go to folder. Enter ~/Library/Application Support/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines/ 前往>前往文件夹 输入~/Library/Application Support/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines/4.2)In sharing and permission change all access from Read to Read and write.把权限从读取改为写入和读取 应用到所有下属文件夹5) Launch the game.开始游戏WINDOWS USERSClose steam and run it as Administrator. 使用管理员权限运行Please let us know if this does NOT work! 帮顶,楼主杯具了;P 好神奇,真的是【灰~~~的~~~啊】,鉴定完毕~~~~~~ 妈蛋完全不能开始游戏,TM在逗我?! 这是什么情况? werqqq 发表于 2015-3-17 15:58 static/image/common/back.gif
MAC太高大上,不屑运行这种小游戏;P 广州梁少 发表于 2015-3-17 16:03 static/image/common/back.gif
我在外面,所以手上只有这台MAC要十多天回去后才有台式 我解决了!!!!!! 花屏你们是怎么解决的啊,我MAC下进去就是方块花屏的。