本帖最后由 zhufenggood 于 2015-2-26 14:45 编辑二代通关过,想玩一代重制版好难啊,搜到了作弊手段无限钱
Start A Mission With (Almost) Infinite RU's
How to start with almost infinite Resource Units
Browse your Homeworld 2 directory til you reach the Acension subfolder (usually \Homeworld2\Bin\Profiles\Profile1\Campaign\ASCENSION). In here you will find a list of your data. Depending on the level you've reached, you will see a persistx.lua where x stands for the autosave start for each level.
After you've started a level, exit the game and browse to the above folder. Open the lua file for your current level with notepad and at the bottom you will find your current standing RU's.
RUs = 3249,
Change this to any number you wish (i.e. 99999) and when you return to the Single Player Screen, choose to now start playing your level. When you begin you will have your entered amount of resource units.
还有改初始船和 解锁所有关的,自己看吧
http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/thread-4641252-1-1.html 先玩一关开始 快速存档,退出游戏
找到 RUs = xxxx
改成1-99999的数字,注意, 符号不要丢,重进游戏就能通关了:lol 人口有上限,加上敌人数量是看你舰队规模,钱再多也是浮云