Nvidia最新驱动下载347.52 WHQL下载,优化多款游戏!
GeForce Game Ready Driver for Evolve
Just in time for the highly anticipated title Evolve, this new GeForce Game Ready driver ensures you'll have the best possible gaming experience With support for GeForce SLI technology and one-click game setting optimizations within GeForce Experience, you'll have the best possible performance and image quality during gameplay. In addition, we are delivering performance improvements across GeForce GPUs that will immediately benefit a wide variety of titles at various resolutions.
Game Ready
Best gaming experience for Evolve, including support for SLI Technology and GeForce Experience 1-click optimizations
Gaming Technology
Performance improvements across various GeForce GPUs. Some examples are:
GeForce GTX 980GeForce GTX 970GeForce GTX 960
• GRID: Autosport: up to 12%
• Alien: Isolation: up to 6%
• Dragon Age: Inquisition: up to 4%1920x1080
• BioShock Infinite: up to 13%
• Assassin's Creed Unity: up to 12%
• GRID: Autosport: up to 12%1920x1080
• Assassin's Creed Unity: up to 7%
• Far Cry 4: up to 4%
• Crysis 3: up to 3%
• Metro: Last Light: up to 10%
• Dragon Age: Inquisition: up to 7%
• The Crew: up to 5%2560x1440
• GRID: Autosport: up to 11%
• Assassin's Creed Unity: up to 11%
• Bioshock Infinite: up to 8%2560x1440
• Assassin's Creed Unity: up to 10%
• Far Cry 4: up to 4%
• WarThunder: up to 3%
• GRID: Autosport: up to 13%
• Dragon Age: Inquisition: up to 6%
• Far Cry 4: up to 6%
• GRID: Autosport: up to 10%
• WarThunder.: up to 8%
• Assassin's Creed Unity: up to 7%
Test System Configuration:
Intel Core i7 5930K
Asus X99 Deluxe
16GB memory
Win 8.1 x64
Performance gains comparing driver 347.25 to 347.52 and normalized using the latest game patches.
只针对这3款有优化吧 看到都是9系列就默默走了 谢谢楼主分享。 如果我有块970 我还用担心帧数么. 感觉也就针对9系列的 513477948 发表于 2015-2-11 10:49 static/image/common/back.gif
如果我有块970 我还用担心帧数么.
剛換970玩這遊戲跪的不要不要的你信嗎 aphehe 发表于 2015-2-11 19:17 static/image/common/back.gif
我用970 SLI也是卡到不行,不知道问题出在哪? 存款利率了 传说中3.5g的970? 一直没有直观感受过驱动更新带来的提升,9系列的更新就算了,连我笔记本gt650m的也同步更新,结果也没啥变化 我970 FTW 穩穩的阿...CPU 跟記憶體也是重點 要平衡..單顯示卡強沒什麼作用 帶不上去 那是多卡单卡只对“进化"有优化