JIP Companions Command and Control有用过的朋友请进来说一下感受?
This mod is designed to revolutionize the way companions are controlled and interacted with, bringing new elements of team-work and tactics, with the intention of making the game look and feel more like a proper role-playing game than an action-shooter.
Using a HUD interface, companions can now be given any companion-wheel command (as well as a handful of new commands), all remotely, in real-time, without having to approach them and initiate dialogue. Effectively, this renders the companion-wheel obsolete.
Similar to classic role-playing games, each companion will have its own avatar displayed on the HUD (see images section), with a health bar, and an indication of its current action (following/guarding/relaxing/in combat etc.).
ANY companion, both vanilla and non-vanilla, should be fully-supported by this mod. Companions who have a working companion wheel, or are based on either the NosCo or EZ companion systems, will be automatically added/removed as controlled companions when joining/leaving the party.
This mod also includes a powerful tool which enables you to force-recruit and control ANY NPC/creature in the game (including enemies). This will be explained in more detail below.
{:3_93:}這個玩意是個坑推薦不要亂跳 克劳德·斯特莱 发表于 2014-11-15 22:04 static/image/common/back.gif