【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy kingdom s
去当一个离开原有的事情去管理你的王国会发生什么呢?那就是Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom
开发商1C:Ino-Co让游戏再续前缘(= =|) Gamespot从兼制作人和CEO的Alexey Kozyrev拿到了第一
GameSpot: Majesty是一个非常吸引人的游戏,最终成为了一部经典之作.为什么在这个时候要创作
Alexey Kozyrev:是的, Majesty的确有着吸引力,但我们并不希望在原版发行后大家都竭尽全力的
去拼命玩. 当我们听说游戏的续作已经在筹备中,我们就趁着这个时机去开发和发展,特别之前我
GS: 可以给我们点关于续作的概述.你有什么关于游戏的打算?会演变成Majesty 2或者复刻版?
AK: 咳,我们很肯定的是不再是Cyberlore(2)工作组制作了,从原版发行后过了很长段时间,你不能轻
GS: 如果原来游戏的最大的独特方面是这种自动化的幻想冒险旅程 . 而不是简单的出发 杀掉巨
龙, 你管理着一个有着变坏的英雄干着肮脏的勾当的王国. 我们可以在续作里看到多少方面呢?
AK: 整个游戏都会围绕着这些.管理一个王国和英雄就是Majesty2的本质. 我们也在努力使游戏做的更
GS: 续作里最大,最重要的新增项目是什么?
AK: 我想会是比原版更专注于英雄,专注于他们的发展和行为变化.英雄需要学习如何领导(其他的补充型英
GS: 有没有考虑增加多人模式呢?如果有,会是怎么样的呢?
AK: 当然,游戏里当然有多人模式.但现在说还为时过早.我们还需要测试其发展思路,在今后的自
GS: 有没有考虑多平台发售呢?
AK: 还没有最后决定,我们的想法当然是多平台发售.然而,现在还太早决定这个.在今后的日子里,
AK: 我们在游戏制作中体验到了很多乐趣,我们的目标也就是使玩家从中获得更多的乐趣.
注释2:Cyberlore Studios.某制作花花公子的游戏制作组.
Strategy games usually require careful management of resources as you accomplish your goals. Role-playing games usually require you to play a hero on a quest to gather treasures and slay evildoers. What happens when you cede the questing and slaying to adventurers who go off and do their own thing in the world, leaving you to run the kingdom? You get Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim, the sleeper hit from 2000 that offered just that kind of unique gameplay experience. Now, publisher Paradox and developer 1C:Ino-Co are returning to the game with a new sequel, and GameSpot has the exclusive first details from Alexey Kozyrev, producer and CEO.
GameSpot: The original Majesty was a charming game that ended up being something of a cult classic. Why make a sequel to the game at this time?
Alexey Kozyrev: Yes, Majesty had a certain charm and was one those games that we didn't expect to play as much as we did when it was first released. When we heard that a sequel was in the works, we jumped at the opportunity to develop it, especially since we had so many ideas and suggestions to bring to the sequel.
GS: Give us an overview of the sequel. What are your plans for the game? Is this going to be Majesty 2.0, or a reinvented game?
AK: Well, we certainly can't be Cyberlore Studios, and as such a long time has passed since the original game was released, you can't simply release a 2.0 upgrade. So, our goal is to reinvent as many aspects of the original game as possible, to bring them up to date, while keeping the charming atmosphere and sense of humor that was such an essential component of the original Majesty. We also want to keep the core concept of indirect control that made the original Majesty what it was.
GS: Perhaps the most unique aspect of the original game was that it took an automated approach to high-fantasy adventures. Instead of going off and slaying dragons, you managed a kingdom where other heroes went off and did the dirty work. How much of this aspect will we see in the sequel?
AK: The whole game will be centered around it. Managing a kingdom and its heroes is the essence of what Majesty 2 will be about. We are also working on advancing the gameplay to improve what made it great. The player's goal is to grow and defend the city, choose targets for heroes, and use magic for their support.
GS: What are the biggest and most important enhancements planned for the sequel?
AK: It will be much more focused on heroes--on their growth and behavior. Heroes will learn to use parties (that lead to "combo complementary" heroes) and even mighty raids. They will be able to upgrade to new classes and gain new skills, and will differ from each other by their look and gear. But the most of enhancements will be in gameplay. We want to give players new ways to shape their kingdom.
GS: Are there any plans to add multiplayer elements to the game? If so, how would that work?
AK: Yes, you must have multiplayer in Majesty, but it is still too early to say exactly how it will work. We are going to be testing out ideas over the coming months so that players get the best multiplayer experience possible.
GS: Are there any plans to bring the game to any platforms other than the PC?
AK: While nothing is finalized yet, our ambition is to release the game on additional platforms. However, it is far too early to make definitive statements; we will hopefully be able to confirm more on this at a later date.
GS: Finally, is there anything else you'd like to add about Majesty 2?
AK: We are having so much fun working on this game, and our goal is for players to have just as much fun playing it!
回复:[无责任翻译]Majesty 2 The Fantasy Kingdom Sim Q&A
回复:[无责任翻译]Majesty 2 The Fantasy Kingdom Sim Q&A
美术风格很舒服回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy king
一看这个画面,就知道我的电脑可以去见鬼了回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy king
回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy king
不知道 什么时候发行 又多了一个可以=的了回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy king
不过还是很漂亮,至少瞄了好几次都这么觉的 p ~~ q
回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy kin
回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy kin
回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy kin
骷髅好搞笑。。。。。。。。。回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy kin
王权终于有二了,2008年真是丰收呀回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy kin
非常期待!回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy kin
I LOVE THIS GAME回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy kin
回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy kin
很好的画风,不知道游戏性如何回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy kin
回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy kin
感觉很好玩的说回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy kin
玩过一代,相当经典的游戏。游戏性感觉比一般的即时好玩多了回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy kin
没听说过啊回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy kin
策略类的?画面不错哦回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy kin
没意思回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy kin
不知道游戏的效果怎样什么时候推出回复:【3DM新闻组】《王权:模拟幻想王国(majesty:fantasy kin
奇怪的骷髅,即使还是喜欢现实点的,科幻的纯顶 沒玩過他的1代呢 有介少嗎 这游戏出了没有?前作玩过,很期待