《黑暗之魂:受死版》DSfix v2.4中文汉化版,60帧解锁补丁、内置分辨率修正补丁、跳过开始logo、存档备份等等,Steam版可用
本帖最后由 颜彖 于 2016-10-22 11:05 编辑解压后放在DATA目录下,并需在游戏内关闭抗锯齿。默认1920x1080分辨率、默认解锁60帧。
DSfix v2.4:http://pan.blacksheepgame.com/s/1bpl5t8b
DSfix 2.4
Posted on 2015-01-19
This might in fact be the final version of DSfix. Why? Because Nwks (the original author of the 60 FPS unlocker!) came back and did something which I had considered ideal for a long time now: make it scan for the addresses it needs to patch instead of hard-coding them.
What does this mean for you as a DSfix user? Hopefully, that when/if the game is updated in the future, DSfix, including the FPS unlocking, will still simply work. The only reason this would fail is if the binary code right around the places which need to be patched were to change, which seems unlikely for the smaller patches which can be expected at this point.
Just to reiterate: this version will not work with the GFWL version of the game, only with the beta Steamworks version (which will replace it at some point).
You can download 英文原版 DSfix2.4 here 谢谢楼主大大的分享:lol 谢谢分享,现在电脑配置好了重温游戏 为什么我放了之后不能打开游戏了- - 楼主啊,我一般是不回复的,但是这个东西太好了,拯救了我的黑魂1啊,太感谢了 楼主 为什么安装之后玩不了? 谢谢分享,辛苦了。 感谢楼主分享 谢谢,重温经典 玩过黑2的再回来玩玩1 顶个{:3_94:} :):(:D:$:lol:dizzy: ddddddddddddddddddddd 顶顶顶顶vv
00000000000 呵呵,好东西,谢谢 11111111111111111
{:3_94:}{:3_94:}{:3_94:} 好东西,谢了 从此爱上UP么么哒!!!! 感谢分享
好东西要顶 更新了2.4版 感謝分享@@ 感谢楼主 装了看看帧数会不会好一点 dddddddddddd ............ 请问打上这个补丁会不会被BAN? 请问这个补丁下载解压到游戏目录后还需要什么设置吗?该怎么设置?