求解啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!同求....下载好了,不过不知道内容.不敢装... 更新了需要更新的{:3_135:} 部分在线修正与控制器输入修正
鼠标修正还没有就不用装了。。 修复了黑白屏 反正还没对键盘 党进行修复 感觉负重也被修正了。以前负重过半可以正常翻滚,1.02以后明显手柄带震动,任务动作也迟缓了。 qass 发表于 2014-4-29 13:16 static/image/common/back.gif
感觉负重也被修正了。以前负重过半可以正常翻滚,1.02以后明显手柄带震动,任务动作也迟缓了。 ...
这样的话还是不更新比较好啊。 Official Bandai Namco Support Thread
UPDATE 4/28:
A patch has been deployed to help users who have had issues with the game crashing upon start-up. We will continue to monitor this issue.
Regarding the VAC bans, we will have more information in the coming days. Thank you for your patience.