在群众们的呼声,怨声, 骂声下, 今天蓝帖终于低头, 证实了这个存在的事实。“我们证实在2.3版本里面, 确实存在着练金点化大师的暴击率 (除点化源生之能外)的不正常的低的问题, 我们希望在下一个补丁将此问题进行修改,并对此受影响的玩家进行道歉, 希望大家再忍耐一下。”
- Pavonum -
Thanks for bringing this up, Pano! As of the 2.3 content patch, there's currently an issue with Transmutation Mastery by which the percentage chance to receive additional results from transmutations — aside from Transmute: Primal Might — is lower than the intended value. This is likely contributing to the dearth of procs you've observed, and I'd like to offer my apologies for any consternation that has arisen as a result of the discrepancy. I'm happy to report that this matter should be resolved in a future patch, but your continued patience in the interim is appreciated. :)
[ http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=3547795433&sid=1 ]
同日, 欧服蓝贴也证明了这个问题。
[ http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=1905791575&sid=3 ]
虽然暴雪说法是“除源生之能外的才不正常“, 但是目前一般的了解和看法是, 所有点化 (包括源生之能)的暴击都很低的, 建议你不要看完这个帖子之后就每天只点源生之能, 可能你亏得更多。