What's that !!!!!!!!!!!!!??????Again and again !!!!!!!!!!!!1
台湾人。。。 估计是的 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/thread-3986700-1-1.html给破解地址还是进不去就等完美吧 = = = = = == 会说中文就别发英文啦,虽然大家都看得明白但是怪别扭的。 本帖最后由 ^^uotuY 于 2013-8-22 13:35 编辑我也是这样 AMD631+GTX560win7 32位,打了免STEAM的注册表补丁
I have just been reboot my computer = = and now only can use english.......... yong pin yin ba, lou zhu hai shi yong pin yin ba ! pin yin shi sm? 卖萌~! = =..我不说话 我就淡定的看着你们 im not tw
楼主说他电脑重装了~只能打英文 do you jin bu qu?`suo yi wan bu liao!``Don't worry!me too!:loveliness:(wo bu shi lai mai men de ,dain nao de qie huan jian huai le:$)
holy shit,Why not uninstall it>>>waste your time and energy 妈蛋的。。一群卖萌的 waba 发表于 2013-8-22 14:00 static/image/common/back.gif
mao si zaishuo chong qi yi hou jiu zhi neng da ying wen le
我用別國作業系統正常進入 围观此贴。。。。。。。。。。。。。。{:3_103:} hehe = = don't give shit thx Well, how can I help you, my friend?
'Tis my humble suggestion: Maybe ye can uninstall the game first and then reboot your computer, if it still can't resolve your probelm about typing Chinese, I would look for another way then.