nightelfweiwei 发表于 2013-7-31 06:34更新!4号被削!SU-85依然坚挺!

本帖最后由 nightelfweiwei 于 2013-7-31 06:36 编辑


- Fixed 1 frame delay between user input and unit movement
- Updates to vehicle pathing
- Langreskaya Spring and Winter maps added (1v1 in automatch and 1v1 and 2v2 in custom game)加了张地图


Commander Ability Changes

The following abilities had their command point (CP) cost reduced to increase commander appeal. In contrast to the majority of Soviet Commanders a number of German doctrines did not have abilities available at 1 CP.

- Panzer Tactician: Command point cost from 2 to 1
- Mortar-Half-track: Command point cost from 2 to 1
- Artillery Field Officer: Command point cost from 2 to 1
- Riegel 43 AT Mine: Command point cost from 2 to 1
- Fear Propaganda Artillery: Command point cost from 5 to 3

The following changes were made to improve the usability of Rapid Conscription and Relief Infantry. Overall, it was very difficult to recover your cost on investment to both abilities due to their relatively low duration time. The goal was to increase the rate at which players could recover their cost and provide a possibility to earn back more than the initial resource investment.

Rapid Conscription
• Maximum replaced squads from 6 to 2
• Duration from 30s to 120s
• Recharge time from 90s to 180s
• Cost from 200 MU to 160 MU
• Ability now replaces lost squads with Conscripts rather than Penal Battalions
• Updated tooltip to better reflect ability functionality

Relief Infantry
• Maximum replaced squads from 6 to 3
• Duration from 60s to 120s
• Recharge time from 90s to 180s
• Updated tooltip to better reflect ability functionality

Previously, Hit the Dirt had the capacity to have its modifier stack with cover. This led to extremely durable units at very little cost to the user. It also impacted many of our combat systems, leading to inconsistent or undesirable behavior such as snipers missing the infantry.

Hit the Dirt
• Hit the dirt now provides light cover rather than a 0.5 received accuracy modifier.

The JU-87D Strafing Run now functions as a suppression ability. The loiter behavior was modified to improve the visuals of the off-map and make it more susceptible to anti-air weapons.

JU-87D Strafing Run
• Attacks per aircraft from 5 to 3
• Delay between attacks from 3s to 18s
• Duration time from 48s to 75s
• Target lead in from 50 to 20
• Target lead out from 60 to 20
• Target attack distance from 150 to 225
• Target attack time from 2.125 to 4.25
• Modified UI barrage radius to match the loiter radius of the JU-87D
• Damage from 8 to 2.5
• Rate of fire from 32 to 16
• Suppression from 0.12 to 0.25
• Max range from 175 to 225

Opel Blitz Cargo Truck

Previously, the cargo truck was multiplying a sectors value by a factor of 2. This resulted in extreme edge cases where fuel and munition incomes were higher than expected. To resolve this, supply trucks will only add a set amount of resources to sectors.

• A cargo truck setup within a sector now adds 3 fuel and 5 munitions per minute, rather than multiplying the sectors value by 2
• Cargo truck cost from 200 to 300 manpower欧宝卡车全面削弱,现在只会提供3油5弹药,不累加,花费变成300 MP

Adjustments to Scatter Distance

The following units had their scatter distance refactored to better match their performance and design. Higher scatter values generally implies weapons are less accurate.载具攻击散布调整,说简单点就是数值越大越打不准
• Scatter distance max from 7.5 to 2.86IS-2 终于出头了Panzer IV
• Scatter distance max from 6 to 9.54号现在打人难了
• Scatter distance max from 1.84 to 1.7
• Scatter distance max from 3.4 to 2.6这玩意估计还是用的人少,如果是76的话毛子装甲战术会有改观
• Scatter distance max from 6.8 to 4.3老虎加强,不再是血厚版4号了
• Scatter distance max from 1.98 to 2.15东风削弱
• Scatter distance max from 4.55 to 1这玩意看来要变成步兵的噩梦了

HMG Suppression Modifiers

HMG teams no longer function efficiently while pinned. This discourages tactics such as moving a HMG team into a setup HMG team unless on the flank. Pinned HMG squads now have the following modifiers applied to their squad:
• Weapon accuracy is now reduced by 75%
• Weapons reload has been increased by 100%
• Weapon cooldown has been increased by 100%
• Weapon scatter has been increased by 320%
• The Maxim HMG now properly has its movement reduced while suppressed
Correction from Patch on June 13
• Stug target size set from 20 to 14
• Riegel AT Mine recharge from 30s to 0s

Bug Fixes
• Command tank now properly validates, this prevents the user from using the call in when they are near max pop.
• Incendiary barrage duration now better matches its deployment time.

codyhardy 发表于 2013-7-31 09:28



merilin 发表于 2013-7-31 10:52

is2 虎式坦克 不会因为这次补丁而有根本改观

fantasy_bj 发表于 2013-8-1 10:42


474127 发表于 2013-8-2 15:59


hxldavid 发表于 2013-8-3 11:41


lililichun 发表于 2013-8-3 22:47

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