星云散落 发表于 2013-7-27 08:13

【07.27.13】《盗贼遗产(Rogue Legacy)》V1.0.13 3DM破解版[EN]



英文名称:Rogue Legacy
游戏制作:Cellar Door Games
游戏发行:Cellar Door Games


      《盗贼遗产》是Cellar Door Games制作的一款复古风格的roguelike游戏。游戏采用复古的画面和卡通的人物造型。在游戏中,玩家扮演一个身穿铠甲,手拿大剑的勇士在神秘的城堡中冒险。城堡中有很多谜题和挑战等待着你,你要解开谜题和打败强大的敌人。游戏虽小但可玩性很不错,并获得了IGN 9.0分的高评价。



OS:Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor:1.6 Ghz
Memory:1 GB RAM
Graphics:X1950 Pro, 7900 GT
Hard Drive:400 MB HD space
Additional:Windows 8 is currently NOT fully supported. Support for this OS will be available at a later date.


OS:Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor:2 Ghz
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:HD 4770, 8800 GTX
Hard Drive:400 MB HD space
Additional:Windows 8 is currently NOT fully supported. Support for this OS will be available at a later date.

1. 解压缩
2. 安装游戏
3. 运行游戏

已集成3DM破解补丁 游戏必备组件在Redist文件夹下请自行安装


Rogue Legacy v1.0.13

Major Changes:
- Implemented some non-trivial optimizations to increase game performance.
(Smarter sprite batching)
(Merged several spritesheets to reduce texture swapping)
(Additional minor tweaks to reduce GPU load).
- Fixed bug where corrupt backup saves would get players into endless save corruption loops.
- Forced flushing to OS stream for backup files to (hopefully) reduce the chances of a backup save corrupting.

General fixes:
- Fixed bug where gold would very rarely go into the negatives, resulting in a crash.
- Removed normal mapping effects from the content pipeline.
- Fixed bug where you could exit the axe carnival room, resulting in odd game behaviour.
- Fixed bug where you could talk to shop keeps and architect while in mid-dash, resulting in a crash.
- Fixed bug where beating the last boss would zero out your traits.
- Fixed bug where money bags were not animating properly upon landing.
- Fixed bug where beating the game with the compass item would result in a crash when starting a new game.


Rogue Legacy v1.0.12c

General fixes:

- Forgot to actually disable DInput controls when turning it off in the options menu.


Rogue Legacy v1.0.12b

General fixes:
- Fixed bug where game would crash if the DirectInput device was removed mid-game.
- Fixed bug where running the game with a DirectInput device was causing slowdown.
- Fixed bug in a 1x3 room where you could not fall through a specific platform.
- Fixed bug where game would sometimes crash when dying (again).


Rogue Legacy v1.0.12a

General fixes:
- Added error trapping to handle crashes when the DirectInput device was not being initialized properly.
- Fixed bug where deadzones were accidentally disabled from the last patch.
- Game no longer goes into screensaver mode while active.

Balance Changes:
- Lowered the cost of upgrading Haggle by a small amount.
- A few spelling fixes to make the Lich's abilities more clear.


Rogue Legacy v1.0.12

Major Changes:
- Added support for DirectInput controllers (toggle-able from options screen).
- Alexander will now spawn higher level mobs on NG+ and above.
- All bosses now break Paladin secret move, not just the final boss.
- Fixed bug where controller hardware was being polled too often, resulting in significant lag for some systems.

General fixes:
- Optimization tweaks to rendering.People should find a small improvement to framerate.
- Typo fixes to profile card crit chance.
- Fix to game sometimes crashing during Alexander fight.
- Fixed bug where beating the game with Calypso's compass would crash the game.
- Fixed bug where architect fee could carry over to NG+
- Fixed bug with architect fee text overlap on NG+ bonus.
- Typo fixes in Journal, and Paladin, and Translocator spell description.
- Alexander boss floor and roof lowered to prevent him from going too low.
- Enemies that are split during timestop are now immune to timestop until it's reactivated (Feature).
- Enlarged projectile pool.

Balance Changes:
- Architect fee raised from 30% to 40%.


Rogue Legacy v1.0.11

Major Changes:
- Fixed bug where the player could kill a boss and die at the same time.
- Fixed bug where game would crash when entering the lineage screen if the audio engine failed to initialize.
- Implemented another check for skill tree corruption.
- Fixed bug with back up save system if player data was corrupt from the very start.
- Fixed bug where back up save system didn't work properly on corrupted maps and map data.

General fixes:
- Message box will now appear if the game crashes.
- Fixed bug where crash logs were not being generated if the game crashed inside its constructor.
- Fixed bug where Paladins could block their own spells.
- Fixed exploit where player could drop through platforms while controls were locked.
- Fixed bug where impact effect resource pool ran out of resources.
- Fixed bug where Item drop Manager resource pool ran out of resources.
- Typo fixed for Death Defy.

Balance Changes:
- Shinobi can no longer get the timestop spell.
- Dragon fireball spam re-enabled.
- Knight Special drain rate tic raised from 3 to 6.
- Assassin Class spell initialization cost lowered from 10 to 5.
- Assassin Class spell tic rate raised from 5 to 7.
- Asassin mana pool lowered from 0.75 to 0.65.
- Barbarian Special raised from 15 to 20.
- Mage Int bonus lowered from 1.3 to 1.25


Rogue Legacy v1.0.10a

General fixes:
- Fixed bug where game would occasionally crash when entering the castle.
- Fixed bug where people were getting the Rhabdophilia achievement at the start of the game (STEAM ONLY)


Rogue Legacy v1.0.10

Major Changes:
- Back up saving Re-enabled.If the game fails to load properly, it will automatically attempt to load a back up save file.
- Game will announce an error if it fails to save your game 3 times in a row.

General fixes:
- Fixed bug where the game would crash on people who had set their OS language settings to Turkish.
- Numpad now configurable in key bindings list.
- Trait Tourettes changed to Coprolalia
- Typo fix for Alektorophobia.
- Fixed exploit with invulnerable assassin.
- Fixed bug where saves no longer worked if you ran game with an argument passed in the command line.
- Fixed bug where Special class could lose their special spell when getting a new spell.
- Fixed Boss sfx not being adjusted by SFX volume settings.
- Fixed carnival exploit with special class.
- Fixed Final boss fight making player clip through wall during cutscene in special places.
- Fixed special class having no spell delay.
- Fixed exploit with Barbarian special destroying all targets in carnival room.
- Fixed bug where game would sometimes crash when exiting outside entrance.
- Dragon armor bug fix.Armor raised from 68 to 78.
- NG+ Difficulty raised slightly.
- NG++ Difficulty raised significantly.
- Down Strike Up text updated.
- Mage INT bonus reduced from 1.35x to 1.3x
- Fix 1x2 map with barrels letting player jump out of the world.
- Fix 2x3 map block spawn bug.
- Typo fixes in skill tree (assassin, miner, etc)
- Time stop mana drain tic rate raised from 7 to 8.
- Red teleporter random crash bug fixed.
- Fixed bug where Ice and Fire wizarsd projectiles would die in their hands if you ran into them.
- Dying death crash bug fixed.
- Fixed bug where game wouldn't load properly if Game Config was empty.
- Security check to make sure game doesn't crash on RunGameOver
- Fixed bug where potion up and downstrike up descriptions were not updating properly.
- Min mana and health capped at 1. You can no longer go into the negatives.
- Fixed bug where hazards could deal 0 in special circumstances.
- Fixed bug with projectiles sometimes being fired backwards.
- Fixed bug where equipping blood equipment would screw up HUD in blacksmoith screen.
- Fixed bug with last boss where you could take damage if you were in a bad position when you beat him.
- Fixed bug with last boss and time stop.
- Disabled all Class Skills in carnival room.
- Fixed bug with mana loss appearing if crowstorm was cast in an empty room.
- Dwarf holes removed in 2x2 room.
- Last boss now drops less mana potions.


Rogue Legacy v1.0.9

Major Changes:
- Game should no longer require administrator access to run.

General fixes:
- Fixed bug to total time counter, if starting second playthrough immediately.
- 3+ playthroughs difficulty increased.
- Assassin buffed. Starting crit chance raised from 10% to 15%
- Fixed bug where chest room would sometimes cause game to crash.
- Removed accidental debug keys.
- Fire Shield mana cost raised from 5 to 6 per tick.
- Dementia earth wizards removed.
- Chest Elf reworked.Will only take a maximum of 25% gold now, and payout raised from 200% to 300%
- Factual error fixes for portrait rooms.


Rogue Legacy v1.0.8

Major Changes:
- Audio mastered.
- New CDGSplash sfx.
- Fixed Compass bug exit room.
- Fixed bug where if Graphic Virtualization failed multiple times in a row, your BG and FG disappeared.
- Volume leveled.

General fixes:
-Added walk audo to remaning Knights and attenuation.
- Fixed special helm not being displayed on lineage or profile card.
- Fixed chests playing sfx twice.
- Fix to internal game timer.It now tracks your time correctly. This will only apply to files created in patch 1.08 or later.
- Chickens that exit roof of map now die instantly.
- Fixed bug where spell sword could spam empowered spell.
- Fixed bug where spellsword carried real sword in end.
- Disabled exiting end game credits until the very end.
- Fixed sky reveal at ending to fix black clouds and gray sky.
- Fixed las boss end frame not fading properly.
- Fixed Siphon on equipment not giving you siphon.
- Final boss has slightly more health, and deals SLIGHTLY more damage.


Rogue Legacy v1.0.7

Major Changes:
- Fixed bug where alt-tabbing while text typing occrured would crash the game (graphics virtualization).
- Fixed Compass bug exit room.
- Fixed bug where if Graphic Virtualization failed multiple times in a row, your BG and FG disappeared.

General fixes:
- Fixed bug where last boss wasn't being tracked as killed.
- Fixed timer total display bug.
- Fixed Final boss HP not being at max at fight start.
- Final boss HP reduced slightly.
- Fixed bug with hiding/displaying manor closed manor on 360 controller.
- Fixed bug where hitting Skeleton archers removed their colouring.
- Fixed visual bug with randomize trait if you pressed it really quick.
- Last boss drops proper money now.
- Miniboss name fixes.
- Total playtime and deaths added to credit end.
- Fixed grammar for when you're killed by bosses with proper names.
- Typo fix for architect and siphon equipment.


Rogue Legacy v1.0.6

Priority fix:
- fixed bug where player would sometimes hook to 1 ways.This bug cropped up during our last emergency fix.

Major Changes:
- Final boss orb attack removed.
- Blob boss spike removed inbetween flooring gaps.
- Revamped ending screen.Fixed all bugs, rearranged enemies, and gave each enemy a plaque.
- Fairy Chest objective plate now fades if enemy or player touches it.
- helios blessing now drops 2 gold per kill.
- Tower Boss room has 2 less spikers in room.
- Boss rooms now drop 1 health and 1 mana.
- Maxxing MP on lich now displays a message.

General fixes:
- Final boss Sword spell increased from 7 to 8.
- Lich max hp reduced from 1.25 to 1.0.
- Lich max map raised from 1.25 to 2.0.
- Lich starting MP reduced from 0.65 to 0.5.
- Lich Mana start is now 0.5
- Console writelines removed.
- There are now 2 less spikers in the fireball room
- Spikers HP reduced to 5 across all forms.
- Damage shield mana drain reduced from 7 per tick to 5.
- Fireballs deal SLIGHTLY less damage.
- Tower boss deals slightly less damage and has slightly less health.
- Additional help hints added to death screen.
- Layer fix in a 1x3
- Earth wizards Blob boss level reduction increased from 11 to 12.
- fixed wolves hitting bookcases.
- fixed gigantism covering flight text.
- fixed paladins getting auto hit after blocking if mana gets drained to 0.
- fixed 1 pixel too short in credits bug.
- fixed no look fairy chest distance being too far.
- re-added fan of man text to lineage screen.
- fixed bug where rerolling children was not updating the description plate.
- fixed ending screen weird sfx playing.
- fixed bug where visual effects were being applied to ending screen.
- Fixed movement display and speed bug.
- Fixed random teleporters putting you in weird places.
- Fixed colour on some enemies not correct.
- Fixed killed by text to properly set minibosses to singular.
- Fixed numerous bugs with savant where you could get spells like damage shield
and never being able to turn them off.
- Fixed bug where quitting the game in the carnival room made the carnival room
spell your spell.
- Fixed bug where you could swap spells as the archmage in carnival rooms.
- fixed bug where last boss was still being ******* at the end.
- fixed bug where alttabbing the ending screen removed the wallpaper.
- Added quick drop help text to options menu.


Rogue Legacy v1.0.5a

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug where, if your game was running at a certain frame rate, you had a % chance of falling through 1-ways.


Rogue Legacy v1.0.5

Bug Fixes:
- Steam achievements now display a notification in the Steam overlay.
- New Collision logic fixes. Enemies and players should react to diagonals better.
- Fixed ending sequence.
- Fixed bug with mage miniboss spells not following hands.
- Added missing sfx to mage miniboss
- Architect bug fix. Rounding error.
- Exiting room of chest dude bug fix.
- Ending sequence camera start position bug fix
- Weight In smithy text realignment to fix overlap.
- Logic fix to player card.
- NG+ Text fix
- NG+ title fix.
- Typo fix for gay trait.A rogue "a" was implying things we didn't mean.
- Enchantress missing sfx fix.
- Smoke re-added to tower.
- Credits update.
- Audio attenuation fix.
- Fix to rot angles.
- Ending sequence changed.
- Special class end fix.
- MB portrait tell removed.
- Miner lamp bug fix.
- Cleaning of death screen.
- Additional sfx added.
- fixed achievements not popping up.
- fixed horse run into dwarf holes bug.
- added sfx to health fountain.
- Fixed boss smoke at the ending screen.
- Gold saved for NG+ at start bug fix.
- Fixed projectile dissapearance bug fix.
- Fix tiomestopCB bug.
- Fixed audio eyeball and skeleton bug.
- Text update to Poition_Up to better showcase it works for mana and health.

Balance Tweaks:
- Mage magic damage reduced from 1.5 to 1.35
- Lich atk damage mod raised from 0.6 to 0.75
- Lich max hp and mp conversion reduced from 2.0 to 1.25
- Lich now gains a flat 4 hp per kill as opposed to 3/6 based off enemy level.
- Lich starting mp raised from 0.7 to 0.75
**The changes to lich are to see if the remake is not necessary.







信3DM 得破解 得汉化
信杀软 无破解 无汉化
支持正版 自学外语
从我做起 人人有责
您是否能免费玩到该游戏或汉化 期待您做出这个艰难的决定








劍圣 发表于 2013-7-27 08:27


太阳典狱长 发表于 2013-7-27 09:01


yoyohaqiu 发表于 2013-7-27 09:46


adgsfh 发表于 2013-7-27 12:56


taoyie 发表于 2013-7-27 13:03


终极侠 发表于 2013-7-27 13:30


luyy 发表于 2013-7-27 15:46


古剑玩家 发表于 2013-7-27 21:39


tango222 发表于 2013-7-27 23:31


zhouye_vip 发表于 2013-7-28 09:49


ericlo 发表于 2013-7-28 11:27


小瞇瞇阿樺 发表于 2013-7-28 20:52

justinwjz 发表于 2013-7-29 10:03


kyo62391836 发表于 2013-7-29 22:05


stg44wang 发表于 2013-7-30 20:20

thanks for sharing

awczx 发表于 2013-7-30 20:48


dzisy 发表于 2013-7-31 23:57

这游戏有一定难度,不适合快餐式玩家。资深最爱 哈哈!

pepperg13 发表于 2013-8-4 17:15


yjy911023 发表于 2013-8-10 21:44


seyen9 发表于 2013-8-17 15:50


lz7731axb3 发表于 2013-8-25 23:54


Lily咩咩咩 发表于 2014-8-30 14:35

独立学者year 发表于 2014-11-19 02:13

乔帮主eee 发表于 2014-12-6 18:54

利剑54 发表于 2014-12-15 08:00

王耀宇666 发表于 2014-12-16 10:23

亚莉山大00 发表于 2014-12-27 11:50

龙泉葫芦娃 发表于 2015-1-20 05:16


清华与梦 发表于 2015-2-2 01:33

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查看完整版本: 【07.27.13】《盗贼遗产(Rogue Legacy)》V1.0.13 3DM破解版[EN]