本帖最后由 viewtheard 于 2013-7-6 17:11 编辑暴雪将在大陆版WOW全球首次加入微交易系统,北美和欧洲不在此列!
Blizzard has announced that it's investigating the possibility of adding microtransactions to World of Warcraft.
In a post on the game's forums, community manager Zarhym explained that no decisions had been made and the new system would only be available "in certain regions".
"We are currently exploring the possibility of adding a way for players in certain regions to make purchases directly within the game," he wrote. "As part of this process, elements related to this will be appearing on the PTR. We’ll provide additional updates on our plans as development progresses."
The post was made in response to a player finding an item on the Public Test Realm for a future patch that grants a "100% XP Buff" from both killing monsters and completing quests and is available through an "In Game Store".
It's worth noting that Zarhym's response suggests only certain regions will be getting the new system, meaning NA and EU may never see it. Seeing as we already have the Blizzard Cash Shop over here and the company has received some serious flack for accusations of double dipping by having both that and a subscription fee, it's likely the new microtransactions are planned for other countries such as China.
Are you still playing World of Warcraft and would the addition of microtransactions make you stop if so? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. 要翻译一下才行
刚恢复过来的 翻译一下 对RMB玩家来说,是不是更方便了,当然暴雪也看中此中利益了吧,估计要抽佣。 嘿嘿.....難囉~~~ 反删除好靓。。而且说大陆完全是臆测啊。。人家只说了个特定区域,欧美有暴雪现金商店就不能再加入微交易了?说起来微交易的定义都不明确。