本帖最后由 ztyzty320320 于 2013-5-22 21:17 编辑This is the first in a series of updates to create a new explorable underground adventure. While there are plenty of fun things to find and experiment with down there right now, please keep in mind that this is just an early version of our overall vision for the caves.
As such, it's a bit sparse compared to our grand vision, and you may encounter bugs. We'll be fixing things and adding new monsters, objects, and mechanics down there for 3-4 more updates.
We've added the first pass of the new caves biome. Who knows what's down there. You should be able to find one cave entrance somewhere on survival maps generated post-launch but before this update. Newly generated maps will have a handful of different entrances, all leading to different caves.
Shift-click moves items between open containers. Ctrl-Shift-click manipulates stacks in the same way
Abigail and Chester no longer trigger traps
Hammering is a RMB action
Bush hat hide is an RMB toolbar action
洞穴神马的,还有操作简便了,还有这个RMB action是干嘛的。。。
经常更新吗?貌似上次更新是在4.29,感觉也不快了吧 wzlfz2002 发表于 2013-5-22 10:25 static/image/common/back.gif
This is the first in a series of updates to create a new explorable underground adventure. While there are plenty of fun things to find and experiment with down there right now, please keep in mind that this is just an early version of our overall vision for the caves.
As such, it's a bit sparse compared to our grand vision, and you may encounter bugs. We'll be fixing things and adding new monsters, objects, and mechanics down there for 3-4 more updates.
We've added the first pass of the new caves biome. Who knows what's down there. You should be able to find one cave entrance somewhere on survival maps generated post-launch but before this update. Newly generated maps will have a handful of different entrances, all leading to different caves.
Shift-click moves items between open containers. Ctrl-Shift-click manipulates stacks in the same way
Abigail and Chester no longer trigger traps
Hammering is a RMB action
Bush hat hide is an RMB toolbar action
还有这个RMB action是啥玩意。。。
你X的更新個頭阿 前一天覆蓋漢化玩得好好的 結果忘記關掉更新60幾MB就不給我進遊戲了:@ good2010 发表于 2013-5-22 21:33 static/image/common/back.gif
你X的更新個頭阿 前一天覆蓋漢化玩得好好的 結果忘記關掉更新60幾MB就不給我進遊戲了 ...
ztyzty320320 发表于 2013-5-22 21:38 static/image/common/back.gif
悲劇拉 更新後有裝模組就跳出了 不知道誰有有辦法上傳舊檔案給我{:3_107:}
good2010 发表于 2013-5-22 22:28 static/image/common/back.gif
悲劇拉 更新後有裝模組就跳出了 不知道誰有有辦法上傳舊檔案給我