E3 By The Numbers(历代会展统计)
E3 By The NumbersThis page collects official and estimated stats for the annual E3 show. The table lists the year, attendance, exhibitors, games*, square-foot size of the exhibition space, location, and show dates.YearAttend.ExhibitorsGamesSize LocationDates
199550,000LAMay 11-13
1996400LAMay 16-18
199740,0005001,500534kAtlantaJune 19-21
199870,000AtlantaMay 28-30
19992,600LAMay 13-15
200045,0004502,400550kLAMay 11-13
200162,000400750*LAMay 17-19
20024001,000*505kLAMay 22-24
200360,0004001,350*515kLAMay 14-16
200465,0004005,000525kLAMay 11-13
200570,0004005,000540kLAMay 18-20
200660,000400540kLAMay 10-12
200710,00033N/ASanta MonicaJuly 11-13
20085,00039Santa MonicaJuly 15-17
200941,000216LAJune 2-4
201045,600300LAJune 15-17
201146,800200LAJune 7-9
201245,700200LAJune 5-7
*number only refers to never-before-seen products
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