felord 发表于 2013-4-5 01:57


本帖最后由 felord 于 2013-4-5 02:00 编辑

    Hill Runner's Hat- shieldbreaking increases movement speed. 50% faster for 5 seconds.
    Ammo Cap- When shooting,empty clips have a 40% chance of automatically filling without needing toreload.
    Sheltered Life- Grantinvulnerability when gaining health from snack and medical kits.
    Gear Head- Makes youharder to detect by automatons, zeppelins, and Motorized Patriots.
    Storm- Killing with theDevil's Kiss, Shock Jockey, or Bucking Bronco causes effects to chain to nearbyenemies.
    Throttle Control-Increased throttle and braking control on Sky-Lines.
    Quick Handed- Decreasedweapon reload times by 30%.
    Electric Touch- 50%chance that a melee target is stunned. Victim is vulnerable for 3 seconds.

    Scavenger's Vest- Enemiesprovide ammo upon death 40% of the time.
    Blood to Salt- Enemiesprovide Salts upon death 40% of the time.
    Nitro vest- Increasesradius of explosive weapon splash damage.
    Drop Cloth- Landing off aSky-Line increases movement speed. 50 % faster for 5 seconds.
    Shock Jacket- Whenstruck, 50% chance to shock nearby enemies. Victims take 50 damage, vulnerablefor 2 seconds.
    Executioner- Meleestrikes against staggered enemies adds 60% chance to critical hit, and victimstake 25% more damage when struck.
    Pyromaniac- When struck,50% chance to burn nearby foes, Victims take 400 damage over 3 seconds.
    Sky-Line Accuracy-Increase weapon accuracy on Sky-Lines
    Coat of Harms- Enemiesbecome easier to melee execute.
    Winter Shield- Jumping to orfrom a Sky-Line grants a brief period of invulnerability.
    Bullet Boon- Increasesclip size for all weapons by 50%.

    Sky-Line Reloader-Jumping on or off a Sky-Line reloads your weapons.
    Angry Stompers- Whenextremely low on health, damage is increased by 2x.
    Brittle-Skinned- Hittingan enemy with a melee attack causes them to suffer 2x more damage for 5seconds.
    Deadly Lungers- MeleeStrike range is increased by 3x.
    Head Master- Critical hitdamage is increased by 50%.
    Fire Bird- Jumping from aSky-Line sets nearby foes ablaze, dealing 400 damage over 3 seconds.
    Urgent Care- Shield rechargedelay is decreased by 2 seconds, but shield recharge time is increased by 2x.
    Last Man Standing- When verylow on health, killing an enemy restores health.

    Fit as a Fiddle- Whenrevived, Booker returns to life at full health.
    Nor'easter- Killing anenemy from a Sky-Line gives a 50% chance of a brief period of invulnerability.
    Newton's Law- Landing offa Sky-Line knocks back nearby enemies.
    Overkill- Killing withexcessive damage stuns nearby adversaries.
    Kill to Live- Meleeexecutions have a 65% chance to give health.
    Vampire's Embrace- Meleekills give health.
    Tunnel Vision- Aimingdown Iron Sights increases damage by 25%, while aiming from the hip decreasesdamage by 25%.
固定地点获得装备:Head:Burning Halo- 70% chance that amelee target is set ablaze. Victim takes 300 damage over 4 seconds.    Spare The Rod- 30% chance melee target becomesPossessed. Possessed victim is ally for a few seconds.    Rising Bloodlust- After each successive kill (upto 5), weapon damage is increased. Boost resets if no enemies are killed within10 seconds.
Pants:Health for Salts- When out ofSalts, health is consumed when Vigors are used.    Spectral Sidekick- Dropping a weapon creates aghostly ally for a few seconds.

工业革命(DLC)装备:Shirt:Sugar Rush- After eating a snack,move 50% faster for 3 seconds.
Boots:Handyman Nemesis- Increasesdamage against Handymen by 50%.Fleet Feet- When evading,movement speeds are increased. Affects side strafing and backpedaling.
早鸟包(DLC)装备:Head:Extra! Extra!- Audio logs alsogrant a bounty of "Silver Eagles"
Pants:Bull Rush- Melee targets areknocked back.
Boots:Betrayer- Killing a Possessedhuman causes them to exploded. Nearby enemies take 360 damage over 5 seconds.谈谈心得:无限这个游戏设计问题,大家很容易发现缺乏盐分或者子弹,解决的方法就是灵活运用各种装备搭配。和其他一些游戏不同,在战斗中我们依然可以快速变更不同装备。
如果你是枪械狂:Ammo Cap+ Scavenger's Vest+ Last ManStanding+ Overkill,你会发现自己几乎不会缺子弹了,但这个搭配推荐大家使用射速慢,威力大的武器。如:散弹枪、手炮、狙击,不要用机枪一类快速武器。
如果你是法术狂:Hill Runner's Hat(Ammo Cap)+ Blood to Salt+ Last Man Standing+ Overkill,我尝试了一下,用闪电+火球清场,打完我盐分还有3/4左右。Last Man Standing+ Overkill,几乎是固定搭配,LastMan Standing让你在生命值很低的时候,大概30%左右,击杀敌人,马上恢复60%的hp,女妖复活战,几乎可以让我在怪堆中保持不死。Overkill让你用大威力武器击杀时,触发闪电链,如果使用得当,你冲入敌群,可以让他们一直晕到死。


felord 发表于 2013-4-5 09:59


qhqh3dm 发表于 2013-4-5 10:41


1234590555 发表于 2013-4-5 14:55

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