<p><font face="黑体" size="4">斑竹帮我指导一下,就是GGMM里面要求的那几个数据(下图),我有点糊涂,每次下载的MOD里面那个数据文件里面我不知道具体从哪里到哪里算一项数据,好像是含有4种数据对吧,我就是区分不出来,大概有那么3种类型吧,帮我用不同颜色划分一下每项的数据起始和结尾,我以后好照猫画虎的去找,一下三帖就是大概的样子,帮我用不同颜色分出来从发出来让我看看谢谢!</font></p><img src="http://www.kimy8.com/UploadFiles/2006-5/57582832.png" border="0" alt=""/> <p>Jeep Cherokee 4.0 '86 v.2.0<br/>-----------------------</p><p>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++the car is made for:+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<br/>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <a href="http://spc.gta.com.ua/">http://spc.gta.com.ua/</a> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</p><p>ATTENTION! If you want to place this machine on a site,<br/>The sanction is NOT REQUIRED! Simply satisfy the conditions written below :). </p><p><br/>At use of all models issued by me, it is necessary the reference to my site (<a href="http://spc.gta.com.ua/">http://spc.gta.com.ua/</a>),<br/>And also on the author of model (Pumbars).<br/>Too most it is necessary to do at use of model as updating.</p><p>Special sanctions to use at performance of the above-stated conditions it is not necessary.</p><p>the author: Pumbars (<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><a href="http://spc.gta.com.ua/">http://spc.gta.com.ua/</a>) ,base body (Jeep Commanche) from free website (<a href="http://www.3dcafe.com">www.3dcafe.com</a>)<br/> <br/>Big THANKS <br/>-Split811 for friendship <a href="http://spc.gta.com.ua/">http://spc.gta.com.ua/</a><br/>-Klarnetist for friendship <a href="http://spc.gta.com.ua/">http://spc.gta.com.ua/</a><br/>-RusLev for the help and advice(councils) <a href="http://www.gta.com.ua/ruslev/">http://www.gta.com.ua/ruslev/</a> <br/>-all guest my site<br/>-Nuclear Hedgehog for salon texturs </p><p><a href="http://pcgaming.times.lv">http://pcgaming.times.lv</a> <br/> <a href="http://www.freewebs.com/nuclearhedgehog">http://www.freewebs.com/nuclearhedgehog</a> </p><p></p><p>Installation.</p><p><br/>In game should be necessarily established Dmagic1 WheelMod 3.0 ( ID number 249), differently after<br/>installations of model game can will not be started.</p><p>Moreover, it's nesessary to install collision model, which is placed in the rumpo.col<br/>file. You will need the Colleditor v1.1b (<a href="http://people.freenet.de/steve-m">http://people.freenet.de/steve-m</a>) to do it.<br/>In this program, open the /MODELS/COLL/vehicles.col file in the Vice City folder. Find RUMPO<br/>in the model list, select it, and click Replace button. In the open file dialog point the<br/>path of Rumpo.col file, and then replace model.</p><p><br/>For installation of model it is possible to take advantage of program GTA Mod Installer of version 2.1 or<br/>眍忮?(<a href="http://www.indigorose.com">http://www.indigorose.com</a>). I warn, I her(it) do not use, and questions on it(her) do not set!<br/>It is possible to put also manually (I recommend!) using IMG Tool 1.3. This program lays on any site<br/>about GTA in section of "tools". Having opened her(it) gta3.img (is in a folder models in the catalogue with game)<br/>remove files rumpo.dff and rumpo.txd and ADD command insert files from archive.<br/>further we open "Notebook" a file default.ide (a folder data), we find and we replace a trace. A line:</p><p><br/>170, rumpo, rumpo, car, RUMPO, RUMPO, null, poorfamily, 5, 6, 0, 249, 0.930000</p><p>further by the above mentioned program ("Notebook") it is opened handling.cfg and we find and we replace a trace. A line:</p><p>RUMPO 2230.0 2.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 85 0.85 0.85 0.51 5 180.00 20.00 4 D 6.20 0.60 0 35.00 1.70 0.08 0.27 0.23 25000 0.25 -0.15 0.50 0.25 C00B 1 3</p><p>following number in our program installation of colors it in a file carcols.dat:</p><p>rumpo, 3,3, 60,60, 6,6, 1,0, 46,46, 0,0, 53,0, 58,58, 6,6</p><p>ALL!!!!!! WE START FOR GAME AND WE GO TO GO FOR A DRIVE!</p><p><br/>in case of any trouble or there the question what will be - write on a e-mail or search at a forum <a href="http://gta.ag.ru">http://gta.ag.ru</a><br/>though if all to make as it is told above - questions will not be.</p><p>ATTENTION!!! I DO NOT RESPOND FOR CONSEQUENCES OF INSTALLATION!!!!<br/>In any case, anything it is more terrible than reinstallation of game to you does not threaten<br/></p> <p>---------------------------<br/>Aston Martin V8 Vantage '70<br/>---------------------------<br/>by Yazu</p><p>Convert to SA by Escandero</p><p></p><p>436, previon, previon, car, PREVION, PREVION, null, poorfamily, 10, 0, 0, -1, 0.8, 0.8, 0</p><p>PREVION 1400.0 3000.0 2.0 0.0 0.3 -0.1 70 0.70 0.80 0.45 5 240.0 31.0 7.0 R P 8.0 0.65 0 35.0 1.1 0.08 2.0 0.21 -0.05 0.55 0.3 0.25 0.52 19000 00112000 2 1 1 0</p><p>previon, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_bar_l, spl_b_bbr_l, spl_c_s_b</p><p>previon, 162,1, 138,1, 83,1, 86,1, 92,1, 41,1, 109,1, 0,45</p><p></p><p><br/><a href="http://gta-worldmods.de">http://gta-worldmods.de</a></p><p> ?Escandero<br/></p> <p>Title: ATST Crawler v1.0<br/>Author: Pinky/3dheaven.net/Rockstar<br/>Converted/edited by: Picolini<br/>Date: August 2nd, 2006<br/>Site: <a href="http://www.ascendence.net">www.ascendence.net</a><br/>Homepage: <a href="http://gta.deemarauctions.com">http://gta.deemarauctions.com</a><br/>Contact: PM me (Picolini) at Ascendence.net</p><p>I suggest viewing with Word wrap on, then switching back to Font... format to copy & paste the data.</p><p>?/?Description:<br/>This is v1.0 Version release of my customized AT-ST "Crawler". It's a modified AT-ST Walker from the movie Star Wars that replaces the Rhino. It is a bit huge and definitely fun to drive. Just be careful when the military is after you! </p><p>***To enter, go under the left side in the middle, near the track arm. Look at the Picture included entitled "HowToEnter.jpg".</p><p><br/>?/?Features:<br/>-Pinky's Pinkytrax system (thanks so much!)<br/>-Rotating and tilting head with large single cannon<br/>-Hours and hours of car smashing, cop crushing fun!</p><p><br/>?/?Installation:<br/>GGMM Install:<br/>Go to Rhino. Click Install GGMM Package. If you find any errors, install it all manually before contacting me.</p><p>Manual install: *All handling.cfg and vehicle.ide lines are neccessary for mod to work properly! Install them!<br/>Replace rhino.dff & rhino.txd within your GTA3.img file under GTA SAmodels folder.</p><p>*Handling.cfg line:<br/>RHINO 3500.0 20000.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 80 8.0 4.0 0.55 5 90.0 25.0 20.0 4 P 7.0 0.45 1 30.0 0.2 0.07 0.0 0.45 -0.30 0.5 0.3 0.44 0.35 40000 9008 70884F 0 1 24</p><p>*Vehicles.ide line:<br/>432, rhino, rhino, car, RHINO, RHINO, tank, ignore, 10, 0, 0, -1, 4.1, 4.1, -1</p><p><br/>?/?Last Notes:<br/>In case of any trouble, please don't hesitate to contact me at ascendence.net or gtaforums.com (PM Picolini) and I will try to help you to the best of my ability.<br/>A special thanks to Pinky for the tracks and helping out with the collision and anything else I missed!<br/>Again, most of the models used here are made by Pinky/Rockstar/Picolini, and the AT-ST was a free mesh from <a href="http://www.3dheaven.com">www.3dheaven.com</a>. <br/>I claim no ownership or credit for these. I have just edited/converted them. They are for non-commericial use.</p><p>If you would like to use change this mod in anyway, and release anything, please contact me and let me know. <br/>Also, feel free to host this on your site, but PLEASE give me the credits as the author along with the original/contributing authors (Pinky and 3dheaven.com), and keep this readme with the files.</p><p></p>