星云散落 发表于 2013-3-22 05:55

【全国首发!3DM下载站/网盘分流】《异形:殖民军》v1.0.142升级档+Bug Hunt DLC+破解补丁[FLTDOX]





This release includes support for the following DLC:

- Bug Hunt DLC

Update changes:

3/18/2013 Update


* Improved texture resolution.
* Various visual improvements.
* Added mouse smoothing to options menu.
* Fixed crashes tied to launch and motion tracker.
* Added additional safeguards to better protect save data.
* Resolved an issue where a player's level could sometimes appearincorrect
   when backing out of a party.
* Addressed several scenarios under whichplayerscouldspawnwithouta
* Changes to better prevent audio from sometimes cutting out duringendof
   mission cinematics.
* Fixed issue whereXenodeathanimationwasnotproperlycalculating
   momentum of the killing blow.
* Smart Gun animation now properly tracks targets.
* Addressed some instances where Xenos would display erratic animations.
* Increased light radius for player's shoulder lamp.
* Adjusted aim assist to better reflect player input.
* Addressed an issue that could sometimes cause co-op player revival tonot
   work under certain circumstances.
* Addressed issues with players not spawning into a level properly.
* Fixed a marine player invincibility exploit.
* Resolved several instances where players could walkorfalloutsideof
* Addressed an issuewhereRipley'sFlamethrower(bonuscontent)would
   sometimes fire continuously without player input.
* Fixed an issue thatcouldcauselocalizedtexttosometimesdisplay
* Addressed an issue where weaponammunitionwasnotalwayshighlighted
* General user interface improvements.
* Miscellaneous bug fixes.


* Tweaked enemy and friendly AI to be more aggressive and responsive.
* Modified campaign difficulty to account for improved AI responsiveness.
* Improved enemy collision detection regarding doors and Power Loader.
* Addressed some issues that could cause improper warping for co-op players.
* Various tweaks to address instances where NPC characters would notalways
   properly navigate to objectives.
* Players will no longer bleedoutimmediatelywhendownedinaPower


* Fixed issues that could cause clients toreportinaccurateresultsand
* Addressed instances where a map would appear to "pop in" when loading into
   a new match.
* New Xeno appearance customization added.
* Multiplayer teams should now correctly auto-balance between rounds.
* Increased duration of Lurker Pounce Challenge "Cat-Like Reflexes" from10
   to 20 seconds.
* Fixed issue where certain multiplayer challenges would not unlock properly
   for all characters.
* Crusher pick-ups now correctly appear as highlighted for clients.

2/11/2013 Update


* General user interface improvements.
* Various performance improvements.
* Fixed issue where a door may not function properly if aXenowaskilled
   while opening it.
* Addressed issue where players could becomestuckinacloseencounter
   after killing a Lurker that had pounced them.
* Fixed collision issue where bullets would not passthroughcertainopen
* Fixed an issue related toclientsincorrectlyinterruptingXenomelee
* Addressed an issue where doors would sometimes not open properly.
* Addressed an exploit where players could melee while throwing a grenade or
   placing a claymore.
* Fixed some collision detection issuesthatcouldresultfromaclose
* Prevented campaign pop-ups from appearing outside of campaign.


* Fixed an issue that could prevent NPCs from getting on the elevator in the
* NPCs no longer attempt to open doors while being welded.
* Fixed issue where Raven could sometimes pass through welded door.
* Implementing a message to warn playersthatcampaignprogresswillbe
   overwritten if they try to start an offline campaign game from withinthe
   co-op campaign UI.
* Adjusted thedistancebetweenplayersbeforethey'rewarpedtothe
   location of furthest player in co-op.
* Fixed issue wheretorchwouldsometimesappearincorrectlytoco-op
* Fixed issue where difficultycouldsometimesbecomestuckincorrectly
   after switching modes.
* Fixed issue where co-op player wouldnotrecoverproperlyafterbeing
   saved from a close encounter.
* Fixed issue where Russian players could not drop intoaco-opmatchin
   some missions.
* Updated late-game close encounter moment to disableplayerinput,which
   could cause them to become stuck.


* ResolvedissuewherecampaignMotionTrackercouldincorrectly   in
   multiplayer loadouts.
* Fixed issue where clients would sometimes be invisible afterspawningin
   No Hope in Hadleys.
* Multiplayer teams are nowrandomized(partiesexcluded)ifpercentage
   difference in scores is greater than 15%
* 'Switch Teams' option removed from the Pause menu.
* Corrected issuewhereserverandclientcouldgetout-of-syncwhen
   switching out of a power-up while firing.
* Fixed issue where controller would vibrate duringthescoresscreenif
   Rage ability was active upon match end.
* Fixed issue where Cloak ability would not conceal the Lurker whenwalking
   or jogging.
* Corrected bug where clients appeared tospawnoutsideofworldbefore
   match start.
* Removedplaceholdertextfromappearingonscoreboard   in   certain
* Improved camera transition when Xeno enters a vent.
* Fixed issue where Xenomorph HUD could sometimes appear in the wrong color.
* Fixed issue with Spitter acid sometimes preventing players fromdeploying
   a Sentry Turret for a short while.
* Spitter's "Acid Spray" now originates from the mouth.
* Escape: Fixed issue where Xenos could spawn in unplayable space.
* Escape: Fixed issue where Xeno players could lose functionality ifwarped
   to next area while in a vent.
* Escape: Addressed issues where players would spawn with no weapon ifthey
   were the last Marine to die in Escape.
* Escape: Fixed issue where Cat-Like Reflexesabilitywouldnotproperly
   complete in an Escape match.
* Escape: Improved timing and placement of warp locations in EmergencyEvac

Gearbox Software放出了为《异形:殖民军》PC版定制的巨大补丁,和其它补丁相比,本补丁加入了视觉升级效果。






**** Hidden Message *****

namquang93 发表于 2013-3-22 07:41

谢谢 :lol:lol

edwinkyr 发表于 2013-3-22 08:30


renxufeng 发表于 2013-3-22 08:33


aidejiushini881 发表于 2013-3-22 08:57

ljx1991118 发表于 2013-3-22 09:47


qiaodaliang 发表于 2013-3-22 10:04


predator 发表于 2013-3-22 10:28

这什么 也不介绍一下!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tvbdrama 发表于 2013-3-22 10:33

thank you so much

download 发表于 2013-3-22 10:43


stranger123 发表于 2013-3-22 10:56


321yyxxk 发表于 2013-3-22 11:05


tlmzliwei 发表于 2013-3-22 11:05


anforu 发表于 2013-3-22 12:17


qiaosite1 发表于 2013-3-22 13:18

支持3DM 支持楼主

jack566 发表于 2013-3-22 13:24


qiaosite1 发表于 2013-3-22 13:32

额 话说我就想安装个DLC 那也要下整个补丁啊。。

ccaa1 发表于 2013-3-22 13:44


winlam913 发表于 2013-3-22 13:59


wcxplay 发表于 2013-3-22 14:57

支持3dm 感谢分享

justfindmyway 发表于 2013-3-22 19:03


该用户无法显示~ 发表于 2013-3-22 19:33


风中密码 发表于 2013-3-22 19:55


goodren 发表于 2013-3-22 20:17


14321 发表于 2013-3-22 20:52


dove德芙 发表于 2013-3-22 21:21


haop1236 发表于 2013-3-22 21:22


lyixiong 发表于 2013-3-22 21:24


asdfvcxz12345 发表于 2013-3-22 22:24


li112li 发表于 2013-3-22 23:21

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查看完整版本: 【全国首发!3DM下载站/网盘分流】《异形:殖民军》v1.0.142升级档+Bug Hunt DLC+破解补丁[FLTDOX]