qinerami520 发表于 2013-3-3 13:38


The Wii U could have gotten Crysis 3. Developer Crytek managed to have the shooter running on the console, and CEO Cevat Yerli went as far as to say that the studio was “very close to launching it.”
So what was the stumbling block? Yerli noted that “there was a lack of business support between Nintendo and EA”. Crysis 3 was eventually canned on Wii U since Crytek isn’t in a position to publis工口GAMEs.
“We did have Crysis 3 running on the Wii U. We were very close to launching it. But there was a lack of business support between Nintendo and EA on that. Since we as a company couldn’t launch on the Wii U ourselves — we don’t have a publishing license — Crysis 3 on Wii U had to die.”

WiiU本来也能玩到《孤岛危机3》。开发者 Crytek曾经把这个射击游戏放在该主机上运行。
CEO   Cevat Yerli 还说到工作室“已经做到非常接近能发售的水平了”

所以到底问题出在哪里呢? Yerli提到“这游戏在任天堂和EA之间缺乏商业支持”。
《孤岛危机3》最终取消了WiiU版,因为 Crytek自己不能发行游戏。


CS2004nba 发表于 2013-3-3 13:42


gnk19931029 发表于 2013-3-3 13:43

就WII U那点机能……还是算了吧……

87932322 发表于 2013-3-3 15:08


zengchengbin 发表于 2013-3-3 15:11

目测我可以玩- -
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 《孤岛危机3》WiiU版本已接近能发售水平,但由于缺乏任天堂和EA间商业支持而取消。