請將遊戲還原英文原文! (原因請看)
因為漢化補丁可能還不完美! 所以很多玩家想調畫質和解析度都會黑屏,請下新版漢化補丁並將遊戲還原英文再進入遊戲即可!(注意! 跳出設定還是會黑屏,直接跳到第1張進遊戲):)
打了最新的2个补丁感觉问题依旧.. 原游戏本身就存在这种问题非是汉化补丁引起
Major Fixes
• Fixes bug where players who started playing single player on or after the 28th of February would be unable to continue their save. All of the saved data should be intact. This bug was that the game was falsely reporting that there were no save games and now that’s fixed.
• Interpolated re-enabled with improved logic to avoid the post-pause stutter and to generally be smoother than before.
• Alt+Tab works much better in the albumn cover menu. Backgrounds no longer go black when alt+tabbing. Some UI textures may still exhibit problems elsewhere in the game.
• Matchmaking will allow a much broader range of players to match with one another, fixing some reported problems of players not finding any matches or finding the same person over and over again.
• Steam Cloud support has been added and is working!!!
Major Known Issues
• Alt+Tab still causes graphical issues when used in some menus.
• Game is pretty CPU intensive for some machines, especially laptops and lower-core computers. We’re working on additional optimizations for these systems now.
• Micro-stutters still present at very high framerates. The team is still investigating the root cause of this issue. tkwlee 发表于 2013-3-1 09:08 static/image/common/back.gif
你可以尝试用原英文游戏切换全屏试试包你黑界面不过就 ...
試過啦 跟你說的一樣! 但是至少能調節遊戲選項了