Sony patents 'Eyepad,' a Move-enabled PS3 tablet controllerby Jordan Mallory on Feb 16th 2013 1:30PM0
It's important to remember, especially in situations like this, that the existence of a patent does not necessarily correlate to the existence of a product, or even a company's desire to build what it has patented. So, with that in mind, let's take a look at Sony's ridiculously named PlayStation 3 tablet controller patent.
The device Sony refers to as an "EyePad" in its patent application, seen in the sketch above, would theoretically come equipped with the usual trappings you'd expect from a PS3 controller: D-Pad, buttons, analog stick, SIXAXIS motion sensors, etc. The more interesting bits, however, are a bit harder to pick out from the drawing.
First of all, those shaded stripes on the edge are not a creamy nougat center, as we had originally surmised, but rather illuminated strips of LEDs or comparable light source. This would allow the EyePad, in conjunction with an EyeToy camera, to function as a PlayStation Move controller.
Secondly, those dots on either corner of the apparent display (which could actually be a normal display, touchscreen or Vita-esque touchpad, according to the filing) are paired stereoscopic cameras. The cameras are arranged in such as way that their respective fields of vision provide a full, 360-degree view of any object placed onto the surface of the EyePad's screen, allowing for objects to be fully scanned in three dimensions and then rendered in game. Theoretically the player could also place their face within this field, allowing for face mapping in character customization applications, for instance.
Again, we doubt this patent represents anything more than a combination of day-dreaming and butt-covering on the parts of Sony's engineers and legal department, respectively, but the ideas presented here are definitely interesting.
索尼又开始忽悠了。 {:3_94:}什么东西反正没钱买 什么玩意 没看懂 说实话,用触摸屏来控制总是没啥感觉。 把脸贴上去,以后不用捏人捏半天了 不看好 用触摸当手柄的设计 不看好 用触摸当手柄的设计 骚尼的东西越来越没意思 挺有想象力的 模仿任天堂吗 专利来专利去
醒一醒吧 一家大公司,没几个专利怎么出来贱人……呃……打错了……是见人……{:3_93:} {:3_146:}wii u即视感? 高科技还是不错的 敢不敢别老跟着任天堂屁股后头走? 好玩就行了· ps4都出了啊 要是有中国背景就好了
说实话,用触摸屏来控制总是没啥感觉。 哦天啊,和wiiU一样了啊。 估计是忽悠的成分比较多。 的确感觉像老任了啊