[分享] 画面增强MOD (DX11版无BUG)
本帖最后由 jwei000 于 2013-2-20 09:54 编辑Yes you read that right now there is a DX11 version for your aliens.
Currently in beta because I still want to test something. upload it via the link down below. I ask for feedback- DirectX 10&11 is enabled
-Better light thanks to DX10&11
Realistic light-shadow effects lamps.
- Weapons reflect better.
- Realistic muzzle flash.
Fewer problems with Nvidia 3d 3d mode (MAY :)
- RAM usage is better for graphics (textures) light animations texture memory load times of textures and shadows.
- Game will load faster.
- Better Bloom
- Play better with the controller better AIM is active.So your loved ones a little message.
I uploaded two versions high.
The first DX10 for the final should fix the errors final and DX10 can run stable at the same 2 for DX11.
Now my question is do you want I'll keep telling her no or let it be there is nothing brignt are better mods etc. Or you say yes your mod is great I would please more.If you say it should come no more then the two final versions the letzden I upload.http://www.file-upload.net/download-7229444/aliensDX11-Final.rar.html
喜欢就请回个帖~ 沙发.......... 不错,谢谢分享!!! 这是干什么用的 提高画质就能不卡了吗 好帖必回,顶http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079960&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079957&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079955&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079954&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079952&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079951&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true 不能用,反复试了好多次,都是启动游戏时报错,安装和初始环境有什么要注意和技巧嘛?不能用啊,还是装回DX10吧
探索者888 发表于 2013-2-19 06:41 static/image/common/back.gif
不能用,反复试了好多次,都是启动游戏时报错,安装和初始环境有什么要注意和技巧嘛?不能用啊,还是装回DX ...
你有安装DX11? DX11暫時只是Beta
報錯很正常 ANNANNANNANN 发表于 2013-2-19 22:17 static/image/common/back.gif
你是指微软的DirectX11?!要是这个肯定装了。 这个补丁我是复制覆盖原有文件安装的,是不是不能用汉化版,我装3DMV2.0汉化时就报错,后来还原成英文版的也启动报错,不知为什么。用DX10就没有任何问题。 现在基本上3D大型游戏都玩遍了,这个游戏感觉还不错,看了那个视频发现测试版比正式版的画质要好上一个层次。
如無法開始遊戲 請到 C:\Users\USER_NAME\Documents\My Games\Aliens Colonial Marines\PecanGame\Config
按CTRL+F 尋找 AllowD3D11=True
在AllowD3D11=True 之上加入"AllowD3D10=false
存檔關閉即可 用了画面好像没有变化啊?? 非常感谢 感谢 真的非常感谢 非常感谢