[PSVITA] 《胧村正》美版确定,北美由Aksys Games发行代理,细节待定
楼主等这消息头发都白了,终于出来了,撒花{:3_62:} ,怎么一月底的消息现在还没人搬啊?2009年发售至今的胧村正以其独特的和风特色为自己在游戏业界打下了一块属于自己的领地。去年的tgs索尼高调宣布了胧村正将移植psvita并将充分利用oled屏幕的消息。日版将于下月底在日本售出,而美版的消息从日版制作开始就移植没有消息。北美玩家现在有福了,总部位于加州torrance的Aksys Games宣布将代理此游戏的北美版,而英文名字从wii版的《Muramasa: The Demon Blade》改名为 《Muramasa Rebirth》,该游戏美版将于6月25号与北美玩家见面。
http://www.amazon.com/Muramasa-R ... WAU/ref=pd_sim_vg_1
顺便传送下Aksys Games官方代理声明:
传送门: http://www.aksysgames.com/2013/0 ... a-rebirth/#comments
January 29, 2013 Torrance, CA – Aksys Games is proud to announce that it will be releasing the Japanese action RPG, Muramasa Rebirth, the follow-up to the critically acclaimed hit Muramasa: The Demon Blade!Utilizing PlayStation®Vita system’s eye-popping OLED graphics along with Muramasa’s beautifully hand-drawn artwork, Muramasa Rebirth brings mythical Japan to life!
About Muramasa Rebirth
Enter the visually powerful and colorful world of Muramasa! Face deadly enemies as they follow your every step. Become Momohime or Kisuke as they journey through ancient Japan fighting samurai, ninja, monsters, and evil spirits!
Muramasa Rebirth Features
Redesigned for the PlayStation®Vita system, Muramasa includes hi-res graphics, enhanced controls, a complete relocalization in English, and more!
Two Stories – Follow Momohime, a princess possessed by an evil spirit, and journey west battling demons and much more!Or follow Kisuke, a ninja who has lost his memory, and travel east in search of the demon blades.
Hi-Res Graphics – Using hand-drawn graphics and Japanese artistic styling, Muramasa Rebirth creates a colorfully painted world on your PS Vita screen!
108 Blades – Search and forge new deadly weapons and build an inventory of up to 108 blades.Each blade has a unique special ability.Equip yourself with these deadly blades and become more powerful as your foes close in on you!
Purchase Additional DLC Characters – Play in four additional scenarios as different characters!
Visit the website at www.muramasarebirth.com or “Like” the official Muramasa Rebirth Facebook Page for the most up-to-date information!
一月29号, 2013年, 加州Torrance(传说中日本人的集中地) ---- Aksys Games 宣布讲官方代理日本和风游戏《胧村正》PSV版,这款游戏是09年Will上的移植版。 借助psvita上OLED的亮丽色彩表现,本游戏讲会重现日本古代历史。
PS:美版好像没有日版那么贵哦,爱不是那么够的童鞋们,到时美版不来一发? 新年快乐 画风真不错~ 至今还保留在硬盘上的唯一一款WII游戏。。。 纯支持:):):):) 新年快乐 good 这个貌似不错的 满分作品。。。。 早就完美通关了,不知道这次有没新的要素 胧村正?貌似很好玩 这个有意思http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079976&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079975&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079973&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079971&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079970&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079969&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true 直接移植+DLC,有什么细节可言 新年快乐:D:D:D 新年快乐啊! 全心期待中 当初就为这游戏买的wii啊。。。 这张相片目前不可用 图都挂了 还有人说画风好。。咋看的 走过路过,千万不要错过 看介绍还是很不错的。 这游戏还是日版的好,说英语就感觉不好了。 :)