<p><img src="attachments/dvbbs/2006-11/200611823585312816.jpg" border="0" onclick="zoom(this)" onload="if(this.width>document.body.clientWidth*0.5) {this.resized=true;this.width=document.body.clientWidth*0.5;this.style.cursor='pointer';} else {this.onclick=null}" alt="" /><br/>谁知道这贴纸的文件怎么弄?</p><p>或者谁帮我翻译下Anime Girl Air Brushed Elegy<br/>N8 a.k.a. NOCTURN8<br/><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p><p><br/>Open your GTA3.img file in your San Andreas models folder and extract and <br/>rename elegy2.txd to elegy2bak.txd for backup. Now place the new Elegy2.txd file <br/>and save it to the archive. Now get an Elegy ( You can find one inside the showroom <br/>in "WANG'S") and take to the Wheel Arch Angels Modding Garage in San Fierro, and choose<br/>Paint Job 2. Have Fun!</p><p>Thanks to ----'Can't remember where I got the images I used but thanks to them i managed to<br/>create this Car texture.</p><p>I'm not responsible to whatever damage this texture MOD does to you, your computer , etc. like;</p><p>crashes your game..... <br/>making your computer go badaboom....<br/>or even finding yourself abducted by some ugly looking freakin alien out there..</p><p></p><p><br/></p> <p>看那几个关键词吧!!! LZ备份一下GTA3.img文件!!</p><p>似乎是这样说的!! 打开GTA3.IMG那个elegy2.txd改名elegy2bak.txd!!!</p><p>然后那个新的Elegy2.txd放进GTA3.IMG里面!!!!</p> 后面有点看不明白!!! 似乎是说这辆车可能在WangCar那里!! <p>Open your GTA3.img file in your San Andreas models folder<br/>>打開遊戲folder中的models folder中的gta3.img檔</p><p>如無改動,位置就是Rockstar GamesGTA San Andreasmodelsgta3.img</p><p>and extract and rename elegy2.txd to elegy2bak.txd for backup.<br/>>及解壓出、再改名elegy2.txd作elegy2bak.txd來備份。</p><p>總之就是把elegy2.txd拿了出來,好好收起,好在這mod出什麼意外時可以植裝回去(又或者當被你媽找包時可以換回去)。不一定要改名,也可以開個folder來放,或其他適合你的方法。</p><p>Now place the new Elegy2.txd file and save it to the archive.<br/>>現在把新的Elegy2.txd置入檔案中。</p><p>就是把改車用的那個elegy2.txd弄入gta3.img中。</p><p>Now get an Elegy ( You can find one inside the showroom <br/>in "WANG'S") and take to the Wheel Arch Angels Modding Garage in San Fierro, and choose Paint Job 2. Have Fun!<br/>>現在就可以去找輛Elegy(你可以在Wang's車室中找的到)再去SF的Wheel Arch Angels車房,選二號噴漆。慢慢玩吧。</p><p>就是叫你去看看成效。</p><p>Thanks to ----'Can't remember where I got the images I used but thanks to them i managed to create this Car texture.<br/>>感謝—我記不起從那裡找來用在上面的那些圖像,但感謝因他們我才弄的出這車的噴裝。(原文的文法好像有點問題,大概是這意思呃)</p><p>I'm not responsible to whatever damage this texture MOD does to you, your computer , etc. like;<br/>crashes your game..... <br/>making your computer go badaboom....<br/>or even finding yourself abducted by some ugly looking freakin alien out there..<br/>>我不會對這mod對你的電腦造成的一切損毀負責……</p><p>就是免責條文,用者自負。</p><p>---</p><p>先先,去找個IMGtool或相關的程式,才能打開gta3.img並拿出/放入檔案。</p>