http://www.vg247.com/2012/12/14/ ... be-in-15-languages/Fri, Dec 14, 2012 | 02:21 GMT
Capcom games could be in 15 languages
Capcom Director and Executive Corporate Officer in charge of consumer games, Katsuhiko Ichii, has said that in an attempt to break into more areas of the worldwide games market, Capcom games may be translated into between 13 and 15 different languages.
In an interview conducted internally at Capcom, courtesy of Siliconera, Ichii states, “We’ve seen a great deal of expansion of markets in emerging countries and regions, such as Russia, Eastern Europe, South Africa, India, and the Middle East, when you combine the size of these new markets, they’re about as large as the markets in major developed nations such as Germany and France.”
“However, to successfully break into these regions, localizing our games is a must. Up until now we’ve only done English voiceovers for game characters, but by next year we’re looking to do voiceovers in languages of 5 to 7 countries, and have the in-game text translated into 13 to 15 languages. This will give us with a major boost in the area of game localization.”
Ichii also talks briefly about Capcom targeting platforms other than console, “It wasn’t until the last couple of years that cell phones could really be used as a game platform. The trends in hardware continuously change with the times, so it’s vital that we remain flexible and adapt our content to new trends as they emerge.”
不过在该发言人的讲话中提到的新兴市场分别为:俄罗斯 东欧 南非,印度,和中东,并没提到尚无正规游戏市场的天朝。所以15种语言中会不会包含中文尚不得而知。 不急,偶们有汉化组~:lol