<div>因为哥特3游戏程序上有一些问题尚未解决,生产商决定召回已经进厂压制的母盘。</div><div></div><div>据说是比如存盘时间过长(生产商自己说的,最长的一次存盘需要2分半钟)等问题,生产商正在设法解决中</div><div></div><div></div><div>原文:<br/><br/>Piranha Bytes announced today that the Gothic 3 gold master disc has been recalled and the game is still in production.<br/><strong>Gothic 3 not 'Gold' - development still in progress<br/><br/></strong>On September 12th we have shipped a Goldmaster version of Gothic 3 for replication. However, due to several problems that got known only afterwards no production has taken place, instead we decided to create another, new goldmaster.<br/>This new master is currently (Sep 21st) still being worked on!<br/>Therefore, no one has had any access to the version that will start selling on October 13th in various European territories.<br/>No testing (by external persons) of this version can have been done. All test results that have been published up to now are based on the scrapped goldmaster or in many cases on even older preview versions.</div> <p>唉 存档久一点没关系</p><p>但是我们等了N久就麻烦拉</p> 一般大制作都是这样的... <p>存盘要等2分钟.....还是再等等吧</p> <p>存盘就要两分半钟,那读档呢?莫非要十分钟?怕怕……</p>