全challenge——【序章:A Personal Contract】
Chameleon - Pick up the following disguises: Gardener, Mansion Interior Guard, Mansion Exterior Guard, Chef
Evidence Collector - Find the evidence in the following areas: Cliffside, Mansion Ground Floor
Infiltrator - Avoid getting spotted in the following areas: Gates, Greenhouse, Cliffside, Mansion Ground Floor
Suit Only - Avoid using disguises in the following areas: Gates, Greenhouse, Cliffside, Mansion Ground Floor, Mansion 2nd Floor
Modern Art - Accidental kill in the Gardens. The large metal sculpture in the center where the two guards are talking can have its base stem shot to destabilize it, causing it to fall.
Geronimo - Eliminate a guard by pulling him through the window
Extra Spice - Knock out the chef by putting sleeping pills in his saucepot
Damn Good Coffee - Knock out the head of security by putting sleeping pills in his coffee
Play It Again - Eliminate a guard by knocking the piano lid on him while he's tuning it
The Price of Treason - Complete the mission
Well Played - Knockout the Head of Security with sleeping pills, get the key card, and assassinate your target without causing further casualties (essentially a Silent Assassin run).
Evidence Collector :证据,第一个监控旁,第二个在大厅里某矮桌上
Suit Only:不换装过关,不计分的部分直接跑过去就可以了,反正我没被打死过,Mansion Ground Floor要不换装就得杀人,把楼上守卫杀了再开窗帘,BOSS上来后干掉过关
Modern Art:花园中央的雕塑,在网球场那个视角射一枪就好了
Extra Spice:给厨师下药,拿了药等一会儿,厨房里的守卫会被厨师赶跑的,锅就在中间
Play It Again:干掉二楼走廊的守卫后,找个看得到钢琴的位置躲好,会有人把头伸到钢琴里的,用枪打断钢琴支架