【杀手5:赦免DLC】 所有的DLC!打包下载!支持破解版使用!!【2012年11月23号】
本帖最后由 jwei000 于 2013-2-7 15:53 编辑包含所有的DLC,截至11月22日
如果以后出了DLC 我会在第一时间去发布。
Hitman: Absolution: Agency Jagd P22G
The Agency Jagd P22G is a modern top-tier pistol. This weapon is also included in the Agency Gun Pack.
Hitman: Absolution: Agency SPS 12
The Agency SPS 12 is a brutal semi-automatic shotgun. This weapon is also included in the Agency Gun Pack DLC.
Hitman: Absolution: Agency HX UMP
The Agency HX UMP is a powerful high-caliber SMG. This weapon is also included in the Agency Gun Pack.
Hitman: Absolution: Bartoli Custom Gun
The Bartoli Custom Pistol is an engineered precision weapon complete with sight and silencer.
Hitman: Absolution: Krugermeier 2-2 Gun
The Krugermeier 2-2 pistol is an accurate, reliable stealth weapon with a built-in silencer.
Hitman: Absolution: Bronson M1928 Gun
The Bronson M1928 is a classic submachine gun with high fire rate and deadly stopping power.
Hitman: Absolution: High Tech Disguise
The High Tech suit prepares Agent 47 for action with 50% increased armor.
Hitman: Absolution: High Roller Disguise
The High Roller suit dresses Agent 47 in a fancy tuxedo.
Hitman: Absolution: Public Enemy Disguise
The Public Enemy Disguise allows the Original Assassin to dress in a stylish Public Enemy gangster suit.
Hitman: Absolution: Deus Ex (Adam Jensen) Disguise
Dress Agent 47 in the iconic combat armor used by Adam Jensen in Deus Ex: Human Revolution and get better protection from firearms with advanced armor.
Hitman: Absolution: Deus Ex (Adam Jensen) Handgun
The Zenith pistol was the handgun of choice for Adam Jensen in Deus Ex: Human Revolution and can now be used by Agent 47 in Hitman Absolution. The 10mm compact pistol can be equipped with a Stenier-Bisley silencer to make sure that Agent 47's missions can be completed like a Silent Assassin.
迅雷快传 百度网盘
感谢楼猪分享 Krugermeier 2-2 Gun 这把枪挺漂亮的 感谢楼蛛分享:lol 霸气仙侠游戏 jwei000 发表于 2012-11-22 16:41 static/image/common/back.gif
Krugermeier 2-2 Gun 这把枪挺漂亮的
Bartoli Custom Gun 准星加消音也不错!
Support Hitman FULL DLC 感谢分享 这个NB............ 支持下~~~~ 这个必须顶!! D版也能用? 留名收藏。。 坐等上传,坐等小白鼠 dddddddddddddddd 请问一下楼主,这个是不是只有在契约模式(也就是正版)才能用{:3_110:} 求楼主速度啊。。 我来看看…… {:3_63:}{:3_42:} 感谢分享:D:D:D:D 感谢楼猪分享 thanks{:3_121:}
=。=之前下的23G 不包含武器DLC? SE这圈钱无法直视 这个霸气 感谢楼蛛分享:$ 感谢楼猪分享 拭目以待~ 给力啊 感谢分享 这个支持了