nhzhuangyj 发表于 2012-11-16 06:47


本帖最后由 nhzhuangyj 于 2012-11-16 07:45 编辑

原文地址: http://forums.runicgames.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=46286


[*]Owl pet added
[*]Badger pet added

[*]Russian language now available
[*]Polish language now available

[*]Several spelling errors fixed
[*]Dimensions fixed on one texture
[*]A lot of internal fixes to support translations better, and copy-pasting of cyrillic characters and use of IME
[*]Characters with certain special characters in their names won't fail to save
[*]Attacks that deal weapon% no longer give bonus crit for values over 100%
[*]Missiles with an AoE were not properly taking into account some untargetable states
[*]Run speed bonuses were sometimes added twice
[*]Fixed Trillbot achievement quest


[*]Rank 8 and 9 or Seismic Slam scale soak values properly on direct damage
[*]Flame Hammer, Ember Hammer and Emberquake correctly list staves in requirements

[*]Storm hatchet now targets better on slopes
[*]Storm hatchet should be less likely to collide with walls and more likely to collide with units
[*]Ravage knockback/slow resistance fixed
[*]Ravage falls back to autoattack when mana is low
[*]Battle rage properly refreshes now
[*]Shadowbind procs now level properly

[*]Rank 4 of Firestorm now has correct max damage
[*]Issues w/ Prismatic Bolt duration effects resolved
[*]Fixed mana cost for rank 10 of Infernal Collapse


[*]Made requirement reduction spells work properly

[*]Rifle and Cannons now use weapon damage instead of DPS - fast weapons were stronger than intended, slow weapons were weaker than intended
[*]A non functioning proc on the Tundra set was converted to a functioning Lifesteal
[*]Tomes of Weapon Expertise (spells) now correctly state that they improve Claw use, amongst the other weapons
[*]New ring for Emberweave set
[*]New pants for Embercraft set
[*]Legendary wand Earth Dies Screaming can no longer crash the game
[*]Fixed some issues with item-based proximity effects getting doubled

[*]Various pathing and collision fixes
[*]Various new boss rooms added for maproom maps
[*]Several new Phase Beast rooms added
[*]Can't be knocked behind fence in Arena of Slaughter

[*]Exploding zombies now strike only once per explosion
[*]King gels have champion resistances and minion gels cannot be charmed

[*]Transmutation recipe for sockets can't eat gems with no return.
Random Maps

[*]Some random map affixes better tuned
Quest Related

[*]You must talk to the guardian of mana before you can enter the dungeon from Act 4 hub
[*]Some players stuck in a state where their quests will not advance, or the final quest will not complete, allowing access to the mapworks, should be resolved.

[*]Fix for crash in certain circumstances when wearing gear that requires a requirement reduction spell
[*]Fixed crash when quitting the game from the options menu while the shared stash is open.


地址: http://forum.gamer.com.tw/C.php?bsn=17162&snA=2753&tnum=1

[*]Owl pet added新增貓頭鷹
[*]Badger pet added新增 獾
General 通用

[*]Characters with certain special characters in their names won't fail to save 有某些特殊字元在角色名稱的角色, 存檔時不會再失敗了
[*]Attacks that deal weapon% no longer give bonus crit for values over 100% 如果武器攻擊%數超過100%, 暴擊機率便不再加上去了
[*]Missiles with an AoE were not properly taking into account some untargetable states 修正一些遠程攻擊, 之前某些無法鎖定的狀態
[*]Run speed bonuses were sometimes added twice 某些情況下, 跑速多增加了一倍, 已修正
[*]Fixed Trillbot achievement quest 修好了 Trillbot 任務
Skills 技能部份

[*]Engineer 工程師

[*]Rank 8 and 9 or Seismic Slam scale soak values properly on direct damage 第8和第9級的 Seismic Slam 已經可以正確的運算傷害值了
[*]Flame Hammer, Ember Hammer and Emberquake correctly list staves in requirements 在Falme Gammer, Ember hammer 和 emberquake的技能中已經標示了 staves 在需求裡
[*]Berserker 野蠻人

[*]Storm hatchet now targets better on slopes 技能Storm hatchet現在鎖定slopes更加準確
[*]Storm hatchet should be less likely to collide with walls and more likely to collide with units 技能Storm hatchet現在比較不會碰撞牆壁了, 而比較會碰撞小兵
[*]Ravage knockback/slow resistance fixed 修正ravage的 knockback/slow 抗性
[*]Ravage falls back to autoattack when mana is low 技能ravage將會回到自動攻擊當魔力偏低時
[*]Battle rage properly refreshes now 技能battle rage 現在可以正常運作了
[*]Shadowbind procs now level properly 技能shadowbind 現在升級後可以正常運作

[*]Rank 4 of Firestorm now has correct max damage 修正4級firestorm的最大傷害值
[*]Issues w/ Prismatic Bolt duration effects resolved 技能prismatic bolt的時效已正常
[*]Fixed mana cost for rank 10 of Infernal Collapse 技能infernal collapse的使用魔力已修正

Spells 法術

[*]Made requirement reduction spells work properly 將 "所需條件減低" 的法術 正常運作了
Items 道具

[*]Rifle and Cannons now use weapon damage instead of DPS - fast weapons were stronger than intended, slow weapons were weaker than intended 來福槍和大炮現在開始使用武器上的攻擊數值, 而非DPS.
[*]A non functioning proc on the Tundra set was converted to a functioning Lifesteal 一個之前沒有保護作用的功能 (在Tundra上) 現在已被修改為 吸取生命值
[*]New ring for Emberweave set 新增 emberweave 戒指套裝
[*]New pants for Embercraft set 新增embercraft 褲子套裝
[*]Legendary wand Earth Dies Screaming can no longer crash the game 之前的傳說法仗 Earth Dies Screaming 現在不會造成遊戲關閉了
[*]Fixed some issues with item-based proximity effects getting doubled 修正一些道具所造成的效果加倍
Maps 地圖

[*]Various pathing and collision fixes 修正一些小路和叉路
[*]Various new boss rooms added for maproom maps 加入了一些新頭目到房間中的地圖
[*]Several new Phase Beast rooms added 新增了一些 Phase beast rooms
[*]Can't be knocked behind fence in Arena of Slaughter 現在不會再被擊退到 Arena of Slaughter的圍牆外面了
Monsters 怪物

[*]Exploding zombies now strike only once per explosion 現在exploding zombies 只會造成一次傷害, 在一次的暴炸中
[*]King gels have champion resistances and minion gels cannot be charmed 怪物 King gels 有著強大的抗性, 而小隻的 gels 則不能被迷惑了

[*]Transmutation recipe for sockets can't eat gems with no return. 配方寶盒不再接受不能退還的寶石了
Quest Related

[*]You must talk to the guardian of mana before you can enter the dungeon from Act 4 hub 玩家現在一定要和 guardian of mana 講到話 , 才能進入Act 4 的地監

[*]Fix for crash in certain circumstances when wearing gear that requires a requirement reduction spell 修正了一些玩家穿著需要法術減免所需條件的裝備時 所造成的遊戲錯誤

cjckyon 发表于 2012-11-16 06:53


nhzhuangyj 发表于 2012-11-16 06:55


leiawsha 发表于 2012-11-16 07:06


zxcoo 发表于 2012-11-16 07:08


乐极生悲 发表于 2012-11-16 07:14


xp223 发表于 2012-11-16 07:16


枫之西林 发表于 2012-11-16 07:20


liang14732378 发表于 2012-11-16 09:11


raybird1982 发表于 2012-11-16 09:12


d120470tw 发表于 2012-11-16 09:20


lurenzhi 发表于 2012-11-16 09:38


crater0083 发表于 2012-11-16 09:56

New ring for Emberweave set 新增 emberweave 戒指套裝
New pants for Embercraft set 新增embercraft 褲子套裝

湖湖哈哈 发表于 2012-11-16 10:10


ckjsyzckj 发表于 2012-11-16 10:14


myyiya 发表于 2012-11-16 10:18


pikaqfish 发表于 2012-11-16 10:18


pikaqfish 发表于 2012-11-16 10:21


ggyy41 发表于 2012-11-16 11:23


tyranthym 发表于 2012-11-16 13:50

那个的意思是带武器伤害百分比的技能如果超过100%DPS, 超过的那部分不会受到暴击伤害的加成, 估计是为了限制某些技能伤害太高。

evil2002 发表于 2012-11-16 14:02


nhzhuangyj 发表于 2012-11-16 14:12

evil2002 发表于 2012-11-16 14:02 static/image/common/back.gif
官方又要发布1.17更新了吧,看起来好像又是小修小补,实际效果等更新了再说。。 ...


213liao 发表于 2012-11-16 14:29


wei6219047 发表于 2012-11-16 14:38


xp223 发表于 2012-11-16 15:05


Froooom 发表于 2012-11-16 18:25

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 特大新闻!!特大新闻!!更新1.17.x.14了,标题要长啊!!