星云散落 发表于 2012-11-2 01:09







《兽人必须死2》即将迎来第三款DLC“'Are We There Yeti”,该DLC计划在11月1日星期四上市,售价4.99美元。或许是考虑到寒冬将要到来的缘故,新DLC“'Are We There Yeti”的舞台设定在了寒冷的冰冻地下城中,玩家将面对大量的新敌人(Yeti:雪猿),新服装及无限模式。另外还新增加了一个装饰品,陷阱和武器。

• Fire and Water Booster Pack

Leap back into the action and battle fearsome new enemies with this booster pack for Orcs Must Die! 2

• Three all-new levels!
• Three additional Endless Mode conversions!
• Three new traps – Web Spinner, Floor Portal, and the deadly Dart Spitter!
• Two new elemental enemies bring devious new tricks to the battlefield!
• New “Trapless” skull award!

• Family Ties Booster Pack

Ever wonder where all the orc women are? Wonder no more! This second booster pack for Orcs Must Die 2 introduces deadly new enemies and fortresses. It’s a family reunion you won’t want to miss!

• Three exciting new levels!
• Three additional Endless Mode conversions!
• Two new weapons - Stone Staff and Teleportation Ring!
• One new trinket – the mysterious Jar of Ghosts!
• The most frightening enemy yet – the Ball and Chain – and her consort, the Hobgoblin Healer!
• New “Zero Mana Use” skull award!
• New Character Skin!

• Are We There Yeti?

Get your mittens out of storage because the War Mage and Sorceress are headed to protect the fortresses of the great white north! Defend the new Ice Cavern fortresses against some of the most difficult enemies yet!

• Three new levels featuring a new Ice Cavern theme!
• Three new Endless Mode conversions!
• The chilling new Yeti enemy climbs over barricades and hurls icy shards at you!
• The Goblin Sapper wanders the level disabling your well-placed traps.
• A new weapon - The Dwarven Missile Launcher rains mana-filled death upon your enemies
• A new Trap - The Spike Wall stabs and launches enemies to their deaths
• A new Trinket - The Guardian Trinket will revive your fallen Guardians
• New character costumes!

• Classic Levels DLC

- Fix for baricades on MirrorImage
- Trap grid/pathing adjustments in various levels
- Fixed a conflict with Shield Orcs and Spring Traps that caused the orcs to not be thrown properly
- Fixed the drop down menu for video options so that it wouldn't extend off the screen
- Fix for kill amount bonus skulls getting regranted on level retry
- Adjustments to the UI to address postgame hitches
- Fixed the 100% CPU problems
- Adjusted anti-aliasing options in menu to display an "Off" setting.
- Fixed combo point bug with the Grinder. It now awards combo points properly.
- Voice packet tweaks for in-game chat.
- Fixed Bilebat perma-puke.
- Various localization and string changes.
- Adjustments to Mouse Sensitivity slider to broaden the range of sensitivity
- Worked on a bug that would occasionally cause the Sorceress's charge attack to fizzle out inappropriately. There are still edge cases that we'll continue to investigate, but this should largely fix the issue.
- Fix for special characters in leaderboard display names
- Fixed a bug that prevented Bilebats from shooting through Boulderchutes
- Added an option to use the command "NoAlienFX" in user.cfg to de-activate keyboard light effects for the game. This also may fix some game launch issues for Alienware users.
- Added an option to use the command "-voice" in user.cfg to disable in-game voice chat entirely. Once the game's Voice Chat is disabled, players can use Steam's voice chat options.

- Weekly challenge support added. Challenges begin on Friday 8-17-2012!
- Various ongoing adjustments to trap grids.
- Controller support added to the menus (cursor speed in menus is determined by the windows mouse speed settings)
- The "My Stuff" page in the Spellbook is now sortable.
- Network fix for a very rare case where units stop moving on the client.
- Story dialogs no longer play during Endless Mode.
- Fix for "No gore" option. Now you will not see blood if you have this option turned on.
- Guardian kills now count as trap kills.
- Auto-backup of your profile added.
- Polymorph ring probability adjustments.
- Fixed gore for grinder traps.
- Units affected by the Spore Trap should no longer trigger sounds from the level (“They are on the stairs!”, etc).
- Fixed skull rewards at the 200000, 300000, etc milestones.
- Fix for the corrupted UI borders along left and top of screen.
- Fixed a bug that caused Shaman-revived units to not be affected by Physics traps.
- Bile bats can no longer shoot through Boulder Chutes
- Fixed a bug that allowed skull farming with a "retry" of levels.
- Sorceress' sceptre fizzling is now fully fixeed.
- Void wall potions and coins fade after 2 minutes. This prevents a crash that would occur when there were dozens of them present in a level.

- ...

- Fireling barricade/pathing fix
- Trap optimizations
- French keyboard support added
- Fixed Mana trinket ui syncing
- Addressed some networking issues that could cause disconnects in certain situations

- Fixed a bug that caused orcs to sometimes walk in place when stunned on tar traps.
- Fixed bug where orcs going through the Floor Portal would sometimes teleport them to the exit instead of the entrance.
- Fixed some trap networking bugs.
- Fixed some pathing bugs related to the floor portal.
- Fixed windbelt unique 2 upgrade draining boom barrels.
- Fixed web sprayer bug that was causing it to hit mobs that had been mind controlled or spore trapped.
- Fixed door on West Wing that was not flashing before it opened.
- Fixed a bug with coop games posting to single-player leaderboards due to a disconnect/crash at the score screen.
- Fixed some issues with the mouse disappearing from the UI
- Fixed water elementals being able to become larger (and reverting to unfriendly) by grabbing puddles while mind controlled or spore-trapped.
- Fixed cyclops ragdoll stretching when killed by arrow walls.
- Fixed shaman sometimes trying to resurrect a gibletized orc (because seriously, that's gross).

- Animation fix for War Mage while using stone staff
- Fixes for teleporting to avoid issues where traps would continue firing forever if their target teleported out mid-hit.
- Various levels have trap placement issues addressed
- Fix for Boulder Chute (can now shoot at all angles)
- Fix for Frozen/Stoned creatures sometimes teleporting after they become unfrozen/unstoned
- Fixes for trap-placeable areas in various levels

**** Hidden Message *****


techie35 发表于 2012-11-2 07:17


wenxiaoyu 发表于 2012-11-2 07:23


namquang93 发表于 2012-11-2 07:23

谢谢 :lol:lol

易熙L 发表于 2012-11-2 07:34

- - 挺好的

conankid 发表于 2012-11-2 07:38


sean09 发表于 2012-11-2 07:41


mubolin 发表于 2012-11-2 07:41


150320153 发表于 2012-11-2 07:43


mayX2012 发表于 2012-11-2 07:45

夢三年. 发表于 2012-11-2 07:56

扮演游戏区 › 《兽人必须死》全系列›【全国首发!3DM下载站/网盘分流 ...›参与/回复主题

ljx1991118 发表于 2012-11-2 07:57


marinesnake 发表于 2012-11-2 07:58


cc--hl 发表于 2012-11-2 08:00


syx114 发表于 2012-11-2 08:00


遥望晶空 发表于 2012-11-2 08:03


sxdcfvgb2001 发表于 2012-11-2 08:04


zw371232736 发表于 2012-11-2 08:14


魔王子是我 发表于 2012-11-2 08:14


zj5335311 发表于 2012-11-2 08:14


fyy1028 发表于 2012-11-2 08:16


bootini 发表于 2012-11-2 08:20


xiaocudou 发表于 2012-11-2 08:21


裤头烂个洞 发表于 2012-11-2 08:23


a504867688 发表于 2012-11-2 08:29


squall2787 发表于 2012-11-2 08:38


楓〃悠然 发表于 2012-11-2 08:39


pxfc0065 发表于 2012-11-2 08:40


anzhiguang 发表于 2012-11-2 08:42


css2092 发表于 2012-11-2 08:44

感谢 楼主 的分享了了。
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查看完整版本: 【全国首发!3DM下载站/网盘分流】《兽人必须死2》v1.0.0.346升级档+全4DLCs+破解补丁[THETA]