XCOM Demo Editor更新了(可直接载入第二个任务)
XCOM Demo Editor更新了,才发现的,可能内有UPK文件,有点大上午才手工改的直接载入第二个任务,不过用XCOM Demo Editor和手工改法一样,也需要STEAM游戏属性里设置自动选项-LoadAllContent,问题是三波敌人都一样,而队员是3个机枪+1个散弹,再有ESC退出
The steps:
1. Get a UE3 pack file decompressor, this one will work just fine.http://www.gildor.org/downloads
2. Decompress "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown-Demo\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\XComShell.upk"
3. Open up the decompressed pack file with your favorite hex editor.
4. Search for the string 'command1' in the uncompressed XComShell.upk
5. Replace: "open Command1?game=XComStrategyGame.XComHeadQuartersGame?ControlledStartFromShell=1" with "open Act2_Pier?game=XcomGame.XComTacticalGame?LoadingFromShell=1???????????????????". The strings are the same length, this is important.. Copy the updated XComShell.upk over the previous one.
6. Open up the text file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown-Demo\XComGame\PCConsoleTOC.txt"
7. Find the line with XComShell.upk on it and change it to "32904008 0 ..\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\XComShell.upk 0" (updating the size of the file)
8. Last, go into launch properties for the XCom Demo in steam (right click game in list -> properties -> General -> Set Launch Options)
9. Add the launch option "-LoadAllContent". Normally the game only loads what it needs to based on what you left the base with( hence fast load times) but since you are directly loading the map it doesn't know what the gently caress. This option tells it to prepare for anything.
10. Fin.
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