求助我按网上说的 改了settings.txt文件 但是进入游戏按 ins 没反应 请问是怎么回事啊?? 顶,我也同样问题上。 还原英文版 或者 打最新的汉化补丁~ 按insert键!!! 联机模式下?已经禁止联机调用控制台了
*Fix a bug when recalculating the price on objects to make sure the calculation is based on the correct data.
*Fix for bug where rapid clicks could misspend stat points.
*Removed access to console commands in multiplayer games.
*The game's login dialog now correctly allows passwords up to 64 characters long.
*Removed display of other users' IP addresses in multiplayer games.
*Removed Steam Cloud toggle in the settings file (it didn't do anything); the ability to toggle is available in the Steam client.
*Removed logging for achievements to potentially reduce some FPS drops for some users. 帝国营地里面的共享箱子在哪里呢???求助,我没用控制台,第一章的营地可以看到箱子,但是从第二章开始,就见不到了。。。不知道为啥