Post a reply Regarding playing DLC 3 on IW5M
This will be taken down in due course (aka after an update is pushed), but can I please ask you to refrain from playing and/or hosting the DLC 3* maps on IW5M for the meantime.NTAuthority has made it clear that offenders to this temporary rule will receive an aCI ban (duration TBC).
Thank you for your attention.
DLC 3 includes the following -
mp_crosswalk_ss = intersection
mp_burn_ss = u-turn
mp_six_ss = vortex
本帖最后由 ac13456 于 2012-9-16 10:01 编辑
what?......大体意思是在未更新之前再在IW5M板块发布关于dlc3如何玩或建服的帖子,发帖者会受到警告 ac13456 发表于 2012-9-16 09:58 static/image/common/back.gif
nta已经在钻研代码了,以他的速度。。。。今天应该有希望。。。。 这贴似乎没意义,版版来关了吧{:3_63:}