mahailong008 发表于 2012-9-13 17:29


本帖最后由 mahailong008 于 2012-9-13 17:36 编辑


The Cold War is OVER!冷战结束了! Are you getting bored of normal World in Conflict multiplayer?你是否已经厌倦正常的世界冲突中多人? Have you ever wanted the experience of WiC, and more, in a modern setting with all your favourite vehicles and equipment?你有没有想过的WIC的经验,和更多,所有您最喜爱的车辆和设备在现代化的环境呢? Well, don't worry because Modern Warfare Mod 3 is here!好了,不要担心,因为现代战争MOD在这里! Modern Warfare Mod 3 is designed from the ground up specifically to provide an exciting and renewed experience for people who are getting tired or bored of the vanilla multiplayer experience.现代战争MOD的设计从地上爬起来,专门提供了一个令人兴奋的和新的经验的人越来越累了,厌倦的香草多人体验。 So please, if you get bored of WiC, before you go and uninstall the game, give the mod a try and let us know how good it is!所以,请你感到厌倦的WIC在你走之前,卸载游戏,让国防部一个尝试,让我们知道它是多么好! Main Features (Outdated list)主要功能(过时列表)

Latest modern vehicles and weaponry现代汽车和武器
Intensified & Improved visual effects强化和改进的视觉效果
Surface to Air Missile Systems表面防空导弹系统
New high quality maps新的高品质的地图
More powerful and lethal units更强大,更致命的单位
More realistic and involving air gameplay更现实的,涉及空气的游戏
New fresh and awesome TAs新的新鲜和令人敬畏的助教
WIC MW Mod "Anthology" Trailer WIC MW MOD“文集”预告片 MW Mod 3 Trailer MW国防部3预告
© 2008-2012 WIC: Modern Warfare Mod Team / Blahdy ©2008年至2012年WIC:现代战争MOD小组/ Blahdy Install WIC: Modern Warfare Mod 3 using Desura The easiest way to play Mods are awesome! Install Now 安装WIC:现代战争MOD 3使用Desura 发挥 MODS 的最简单的方法 是 立即安装 真棒! Image RSS Feed Latest Screens 图片RSS饲料 屏幕    Blog RSS Feed Report abuse Latest News: Modern Warfare Mod 3.1 Released! 博客的RSS饲料 举报滥用 最新消息:现代战争MOD 3.1版发布! Share on twitterShare on facebookShare on redditShare on emailShare on stumbleuponShare on favoritesMore Sharing Services2
16 comments by Heaney on Sep 2nd, 2012 希尼在2012年9月2日16评论
Modern Warfare Mod Version 3.1 is here!现代战争MOD 3.1版就在这里!

Modern Warfare Mod today brings you version 3.1, codename "Kepler".现代战争MOD今天为您带来3.1版,代号为“开普勒”。 One major change for the US faction is that the MQ-1 Predator has been replaced with the MQ-9 Repear, with greater capabilities.美国派的一个重大变化是MQ-1“捕食者”被替换MQ-9 Repear的,更强大的功能。 Major changes for the RU faction include that there are 2 new missiles for the Su-25, the Kh-25ML heavy air to surface missile, and the Kh-25MPU anti-radiation missiles. RU派的主要变化包括有2个新的导弹的苏-25,地地导弹的Kh-25ML沉重的空气,和的Kh-25MPU的反辐射导弹。 In addition to these major changes, there are other changes such as much smoother missile animations and the accuracy of the T-80U being increased, as well as much much more.除了这些主要变化外,还有其他的变化,如更平滑的导弹动画和T-80U被增加,以及多得多的精度。NOTE: This mod requires your World in Conflict to be patched to version 注意:这个mod 需要你的世界冲突打上补丁,版本1.0.1.1。 or it will not work. 或将无法正常工作。 To patch your game, simply start the game, sign into multiplayer, and it will detect that your game is outdated and patch it. 来修补你的游戏,只需启动游戏,登录到多人,它会检测你的游戏已经过时,而且打补丁。
Mod MOD Choose which type of install you would like to do.选择你想这样做哪种类型的安装。 Please note that the installer is only compatible with Windows Vista and Windows 7, not Windows XP.请注意,安装程序仅兼容Windows Vista和Windows 7,而不是Windows XP。
This is a full version of the mod.这是一个完整版的mod。 Even if you don't have the mod at all this will install it as 3.0.即使你没有在这一切的mod,将其安装为3.0。 If you do have a previous version, it will update you to 3.1.如果你有以前的版本,它会更新到3.1。 Maps地图
NOTE: If you already had any version from 2.5 or onwards you do not need to redownload the maps. 注意:如果您已经有2.5或以后的任何版本,你不需要重新下载地图。 System Requirements系统要求 Due to the increasing complexity in the simulation of missiles, aircraft, artillery, and more- Modern Warfare Mod 3 requires a higher-end system than specified on the original World in Conflict system requirements.由于在模拟的导弹,飞机,大炮,更现代战争MOD 3的日益复杂,需要更高端的系统比原来的世界冲突中的系统要求。 These are now the minimum system requirements:这些都是现在的最低系统要求:

OS: Windows Vista or 7操作系统:Windows Vista或Windows 7
Processor: Intel i5/i7 or AMD Quad Core FX处理器:Intel酷睿i5/i7或AMD四核FX
RAM: 3 GB or more RAM:3 GB或更多
Graphics card: DirectX 11 NVidia or AMD ATI card, Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 or ATI Radeon 5870 or higher.显卡:DirectX 11的Nvidia或AMD ATI显卡,NVIDIA GeForce®(精视™)GTX 260或ATI Radeon 5870或更高。
Graphics card memory: 512 MB or more图形卡内存:512 MB或更多
Sound card: DirectX compatible sound card声卡:DirectX兼容声卡

These are now the recommended system requirements:现在,这些建议的系统要求:

OS: Windows 7 64-bit (Vista also supported)操作系统:Windows 7 64位(Vista同样支持)
Processor: 2nd Generation Intel i5/i7 or high-end AMD Quad Core FX处理器:第二代英特尔酷睿i5/i7或AMD高端四核FX
RAM: 4 GB or more内存:4 GB或更多
Graphics card: DirectX 11 NVidia or AMD ATI card, Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 or ATI Radeon 6950 or higher.显卡:DirectX 11的Nvidia或AMD ATI显卡,NVIDIA GeForce®(精视™)GTX 460或ATI Radeon 6950或更高。
Graphics card memory: 1 GB or more图形卡内存:1 GB或更多
Sound card: DirectX compatible sound card声卡:DirectX兼容声卡 At minimum, your system (including video card) must maintain 27 frames per second or higher, and 40fps or higher is recommended for a good gameplay experience.至少,您的系统(包括视频卡)必须保持每秒27帧或更高,和40fps的或更高的是,建议有一个良好的游戏体验。 Below 30 fps, numerous homing projectiles may miss their targets or fail to perform altogether.低于每秒30帧,许多寻的弹可能会错过自己的目标或不能完全执行。 Try lowering your graphics settings if you cannot achieve enough frame rate.请尝试降低图形设置,如果你不能达到足够的帧速率。 World in Conflict and MW Mod both support multi-threading.世界冲突和MW国防部都支持多线程。 Due to the fact that WiC's dedicated server application (WiC_DS) only runs at 10 frames per second and is incredibly buggy, MW Mod cannot be run on dedicated servers or it will crash.由于这样的事实,,WIC的专用服务器应用程序(WiC_DS)只能运行在每秒10帧,而且是令人难以置信的越野车,MW国防部不能在专用服务器上运行,它会崩溃。 This means that all sessions need to be hosted by players.这意味着,所有需要玩家举办的会议。 For details on how to host a game with your friends or other MW Mod players, please see: Understanding Multiplayer for WiC MW Mod .如何举办一个与您的朋友或其他MW MOD玩家的游戏的详细信息,请参阅: 了解WIC MW国防部多人 。 To find other MW Mod players, please join our WiC Clan , and join our Steam group !其他MW MOD玩家,请加入我们的WIC的氏族 ,并加入我们的汽集团 !

Firstly, here are some lists that may be useful:首先,这里有一些名单,可能是有用的:
Performance optimizations from 3.0 when several missiles are flying simultaneously. 3.0时数枚导弹飞行的同时性能优化。
Increased accuracy of T-80U slightly. T-80U稍微提高精度。
MQ-1 Predator UAV replaced with MQ-9 Reaper. MQ-1“捕食者”MQ-9“收割者”无人机取代。
Hellfire missiles now fly higher, in order to make it easier to become intercepted by counter-PGM systems. “地狱火”导弹飞得更高,以使更容易成为反PGM系统截获。
Low altitude launch authorization check removed on Mi-28N attack helicopter.米-28N攻击直升机低空发射的授权检查删除。
Mi-28N attack helicopter is now able to ripple-fire 9M120 missiles much faster (0.1 second apart).米-28N攻击直升机现在能到纹波火9M120导弹的速度更快(0.1秒)。
AirLand Battle combined arms warfare for USA bots.雅兰美国僵尸的战斗兵种合成作战。 Armor and Air bots now share information via data-link and selectively direct air support to cover armor's advance.护甲和空中机器人共享信息通过数据链路和选择性地直接空中支援,以支付装甲的进步。
Intercepting Hellfire and Maverick missiles now produces small amount of score and TA, as a result of damage prevented.拦截地狱火和Maverick导弹产生少量的得分和TA,为防止造成的损害。
Reduced TA cost of Aerial Recon for Russian Air role (from 15 to 5 TA).俄罗斯空军的角色(从15日至5 TA)成本降低TA的空中侦察。
Reduced TA cost of Airdropped MANPADS for Russian Air and Support roles (from 15 to 7 TA).降低TA的空投单兵携带防空系统俄罗斯空军和支持的角色(从15日至7 TA)的成本。
Increased score and TA gained from killing A-10C and MQ-9 UAV.增加得分,的TA获得了从A-10C和MQ-9无人机死亡。
Patriot SAM will now ripple-fire missile launches by 2 seconds apart per target, rather than simultaneously salvo-firing 2 missiles.爱国者SAM纹波火导弹发射相隔2秒%的目标,而不是同时齐射,发射2枚导弹。 If there is insufficient battlespace (emo-rage mode), system will quickly launch missiles in a near simultaneous salvo.如果没有足够的战场(愤怒情绪模式),系统会迅速在不久的同时齐射发射导弹。
Added Kh-25ML (AS-10 Karen) air-to-surface missile for Su-25 (heavy warhead).新增的Kh-25ML(AS-10凯伦)空 - 面导弹的苏-25(重的弹头)。
Added Kh-25MPU (AS-12 Kegler) anti-radar missile for Su-25.新增:KH-25MPU(AS-12保龄球比赛者)反雷达导弹的苏-25。
Explosion blast fragmentation physics modeling for FLINT anti-air missiles. FLINT防空导弹的爆炸爆炸碎片物理建模。 The warhead explosion now has a blast pressure speed -- against high closure targets, if the target is traveling faster than the speed of explosion, missile may fail to destroy it.现在有弹头爆炸冲击波超压的速度 - 对高封闭目标,如果目标移动的速度比爆炸的速度可能会失败,导弹摧毁它。
Steerable shaped charge for S-300 and Patriot missiles.可控的聚能装药,S-300和“爱国者”导弹。 Warhead explosion timing and directional pattern are now controlled by the seeker.弹头爆炸的时间和方向图控制的导引头。 Explosion is aligned to place the blast radius in front of the target's flight path.爆炸对准目标的飞行路径的前面放置爆炸半径。

mahailong008 发表于 2012-9-13 17:31


mahailong008 发表于 2012-9-13 17:31


mahailong008 发表于 2012-9-13 17:32

本帖最后由 mahailong008 于 2012-9-13 17:33 编辑

2.安装到C:\Users\Public\Documents\World in Conflict\Mods
4.点击下方的SELECT MOD选项
5.等系统自动切换界面后,点击SETUP GAME
6.点击PLAY SOLO创建遭遇战

xushiweijdd 发表于 2012-12-10 23:11

好东西 沙发顶了!
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查看完整版本: 【冲突世界:现代战争】MODv3.1正式发布!