Oil Rush 1.11
Dear Oil Rush player!You can download updated version of Oil Rush (version 1.11) from the Unigine Online Store:
Please note that you can also activate your key in Steam (Windows) or Desura (Windows, Linux) (enter the key without hyphens, "-" symbols) for more convenient updates (faster download, less traffic).
Changes in version 1.11:
* Added support of every network configuration for playing via Global Server, including complex NAT settings as well.
* Added support of all symbols in chat nicknames when playing via Global Server.
* Fixed submarine bug for mission "Breakup".
* Fixed timings for missions "Hijack", "Guerrilla War" and "Final Countdown".
* Fixed random GUI blinking bug.
ATTENTION: We updated the Global Server, so to be able to connect to the server you should update to Oil Rush 1.11.
You can discuss this build on our forum: http://oilrus工口GAME.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2093-build-111/
You can follow us in social media as well:
* Twitter - http://twitter.com/oilrush_game
* Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/OilRush
Unigine Team