yahoocom 发表于 2012-5-23 21:23

暗黑3销量: 24小时内销量350万套, 470万玩家首日在线 [

暗黑3销量: 24小时内销量350万套, 470万玩家首日在线(含魔兽世界年卡免费用户)

Diablo 3 sales: 3.5 million in 24 hours. 4.7 million playing on day one if including the 1.2 that got the game from WOW Annual Pass

A Diablo 3 sales story to follow on the site shortly...

WTFshoutted 发表于 2012-5-25 02:39

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 暗黑3销量: 24小时内销量350万套, 470万玩家首日在线 [