哈哈哈 Error 37
Our servers will send an Error 37 message when they are under heavy load. If you are not able to log into Diablo III and receive an Error 37 message, try logging in again. It may take several login attempts before you successfully connect. 昨晚tmd亚洲服完蛋 今天又等到美服完蛋 毛都上不去这什么服务啊
暴雪想毛呢 加东时间表示现在是凌晨1点半
服务器时间是晚上12点半 topnaresh 发表于 2012-5-15 15:33 static/image/common/back.gif
Error 37
Our servers will send an Error 37 message when they are under heavy load. If you are not ab ...
We’ll be back soon!The Blizzard family of websites is currently undergoing maintenance to improve your browsing experience. Thank you for your patience! For updates, follow @BlizzardCS on Twitter.
一开始我是error37,现在成了error12.。。。。我。。。:L cnmaldini 发表于 2012-5-15 15:34 static/image/common/back.gif
加东是3点半和美东一个时区 不管他美服,欧服,台服,果断12,果断37,果断315~~~~ 繁体中文说的是“我们马上回来!為了讓您享有更佳的瀏覽體驗,
各 Blizzard 網頁目前正在進行維護中。感謝您的耐心等待!
請參閱 Twitter 上的 @BlizzardCS 了解更多有關維護相關更新訊息。” 嚓,暴雪老家都特么这服务啊 看来D3的人气不是盖的啊。。。。 你可以想象下有多少盼着美元的民工们在玩命的挤 靠。凌晨3点半都能瘫 {:3_114:}暴雪也学九城网易用小霸王了? 这样我昨晚苦等3小时就值得了