(暗黑3虚拟服务端)关于(《暗黑破坏神3》年度体验版[客户端及体验工具截止3月5日均更新至最新v8610 真正解压即玩])无法玩的处理方法以及个人评论。
本帖最后由 brainli 于 2012-5-9 02:19 编辑昨天在这里http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/thread-2899917-1-1.html下载了这个beta,结果一运行提示说是本程序基于网络啥的,无法连接到网络,提示继续或者关闭,我点了继续,然后按照说明上面一步步来,结果直接提示MPQ文件没有拷贝,我i检查了下,原包里面是已经设置拷贝好MPQ文件的了,但是就是会提示MPQ磁盘文件错误。我仔细看了下,原来这个东西是基于一个叫mooege的模拟服务端写的自动运行外壳,但是不知道哪里配置出问题了,无法运行。于是我直接去原本的mooege的网站下载了这个咚咚,经过对说明文档的学习后,终于搞进去了。。。。。。不知道是服务端的问题还是beta本身的问题,反正游戏里面有很多很多的问题比如最开始选了个刺客,结果出来没有武器,所有的攻击技能需要武器,否者无法攻击,结果被丧尸追着跑。。。。后来重新选了巫师,终于能攻击了,解果一开始攻击了那几个丧尸后和城门的守卫说话后不知道咋完成第一个防御城门的任务了。。。。。。无奈的从后门出去打怪,升到第2级多了个技能放到右键上面了,捡了个腰带。。。。很多捡的武器不能使用。商人那里买东西正常,卖东西不正常,卖不掉。。。。XD。。。。推怪的时候出现很诡异的攻击显示效果并停留在 地图上。。。。。。镇上那个传送门出去就是个被怪推的命,那个箱子旁边闪烁的传送门呢就是个摆设,进不去。。。。。。反正问题不少。。。。整个游戏界面除了两个红蓝球外,其他都像是魔兽世界一类的网游,原来的暗黑的感觉没了。。。。。。最重要一点,这个beta是英文的,不知如何切换中文。。。。。。
Must-Have Requirements
Egris' Bnet Patcher: https://github.com/Egris/Bnet.Patcher/zipball/master
SqlLite: (Even if you're on x64, use x86 library) http://system.data.sqlite.org/do ... 6-2010-
OpenSSL 1.0.0.e (MAC Only): http://www.openssl.org/related/binaries.html
NET Framework 4: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=17851
MPQs: (It is suggested to download these and overwrite the ones in your Diablo3 MPQs Folder with them.)需要下载下面的文件覆盖暗黑3中对应MPQ文件(这里要注意了必须保证你的客户端升级到最新的版本,就是下载拷贝了这些MPQ文件后运行游戏目录中的Diablo III Beta Launcher.exe等它自动升级)
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-7170.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-7200.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-7318.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-7338.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-7447.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-7728.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-7841.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-7931.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-8059.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-8101.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-8296.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-8350.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-8392.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-8610.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-8815.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-8896.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-9183.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-9327.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... pdate-base-9359.MPQ
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... C/MPQs/base-Win.mpq
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... MPQs/ClientData.mpq
http://ak.worldofwarcraft.com.ed ... C/MPQs/CoreData.mpq
Quick and Dirty Tutorial For Windows
Step 1: Install Visual Studio C# Express第一步安装VC
This Step is now Optional..此步骤是可选
Download and Install: VisualC#
Step 2: Obtain source files第二步获取源代码文件
Download: Quick and painless(Master Branch) Zipball下载服务端主体源文件https://github.com/mooege/mooege/zipball/master
Step 3: Compiling第三部编译服务端
Without VS2010 Express, 未安装VC的情况
Open up mooege folder, go into Build folder, and double click on build-win.bat file. 打开源文件解压缩后的mooege 目录,进入Build 目录,双击 build-win.bat 编译服务端文件
With VS2010 Express, 安装了VC的情况
Open build\Mooege-VS2010.sln with Visual Studio 2010. To build hit the top menu bar: Debug -> Build Solution (or press F5).在VC中打开build目录中的ooege-VS2010.sln 源代码并按F5编译
Step 4: Adding MPQs 第四步 添加MPQ文件
Copy the files inside 'MPQs folder' from Diablo 3 to the download mooege folder and place them into src\Mooege\bin\Debug\Assets\MPQ.拷贝暗黑3安装目录中的MPQ目录文件到编译好的服务端src\Mooege\bin\Debug\Assets\路径下的MPQ 目录中
Step 5: Start the server! 第五步 启动服务端
Run src\Mooege\bin\Debug\Mooege.exe.运行服务端目录中src\Mooege\bin\Debug\路径下的Mooege.exe 文件
Step 6: Creating the shortcut for Diablo III第六步 创建暗黑3的快捷方式
Create a shortcut for Diablo III by locating Diablo III.exe in your D3 installation directory (usually C:\Program Files\Diablo III), right clicking, and pressing Create Shortcut. Right click the new shortcut and open the properties. You will see the target as: <install path>\Diablo III.exe. All that needs to be added is -launch -auroraaddress localhost:1345.
e.g. Target: "<install directory>\Diablo III.exe" -launch -auroraaddress localhost:1345(添加一个暗黑3安装目录下Diablo III.exe文件的快捷方式,右键点开属性,在目标栏最后添加 -launch -auroraaddress localhost:1345)
Step 7: Once Diablo is Started第七步运行暗黑3后
Run Egris' Bnet Patcher. (You will need to compile this) You will need to use this everytime you start up Diablo.运行Egris' Bnet Patcher 补丁工具(你需要先编译这个)每次运行暗黑3时都需要它
Step 8: Logging In第八步登录
You can now LOGIN with:
Username: test@
LZ碉堡了~ 最火星的一帖,另外哪有刺客这职业,那个是魔猎人 LZ何必让一个跑图的残次品坏了心情。 本帖最后由 brainli 于 2012-5-9 21:47 编辑
Step 4: Start up Madcow from that folder, it will create a shortcut on your desktop! so you no longer have to worry about where that folder is or keeping folders on your desktop.
Step 5: Select a Repository, ex: just grab from master (mooege/mooege), press "Validate Repository".
Step 6: Once it gives you a green check-mark, go ahead and press "Update Mooege" (If the FORK has multiple BRANCHES, and second box will appear, where you will need to select a Branch)
Step 7: Press Find Diablo3 Button, and select your diablo 3.exe, this will automatically check if mooege supports the version of diablo you have.
Step 8: "Copy MPQ's" this will automatically copy over all the mpqs necessary for mooege to work, make sure you have an extra 2GBs free.
Step 9: Play Diablo 3 Button, Select the Repository you downloaded, Launch Diablo 3 Button. and Everything should load up!
Step 10: Wait for mooege to say the two lines where the "1" Circle is on the picture below.
Step 11: on diablo -> User: test@ Pass: anything
Step 12: Donate to keep mooege project alive.