夏忆十年 发表于 2012-4-24 02:43

幽灵行动®测试 求解唉-.-............

{:3_153:}有木有人详解下 俺用机翻不太明白的说 {:3_163:}
As a valued Uplay member, you've been invited to the exclusiveTom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Online Closed Beta event!
Important information for this phase of testing:
• Participating Beta players will be eligible for exclusive in-game rewards.
• As this is still a Closed Beta, your progress will be reset before the game goes live.
• You are free to capture and share screenshots and video of your experience with everyone!
• We want to hear your thoughts on your play experience, so make sure to post your feedback.
• If you have any issues, be sure to check out ourFAQ.
If you need further assistance,contact us.

夏忆十年 发表于 2012-4-24 02:44


purpel 发表于 2012-4-24 02:50



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