【3DM下载站/115/迅雷】《阿达尼亚的守护者(Defenders of Ardania)》v1.2升级档+破解补丁[4.14M][SKIDROW]
下载地址:3DM下载站: http://dl.blacksheepgame.com/201203/18289.html
**** Hidden Message *****使用说明:
1. 解压缩
2. 运行Defenders.of.Ardania.v1.2.Update.exe安装升级档
3. 复制SKIDROW文件夹内的破解补丁到游戏目录中替换原文件
4. 开始游戏!
- The towers now have more recognizable player colors.
- The HP of the enemy bases on the first 5 levels of the campaign is highly reduced.
- All levels are unlocked in Skirmish mode.
- Multi-monitor Fix: The game now appears on the primary monitor.
- 16:10 Fix: The game now supports the 1920*1200 resolution.
- The damage value of the towers on the info panel are now correct.
- The HP bar of the towers are now more visible.
- The staistics in the encyclopedia are now correct.
- The color of the occupied grid tiles are now turn to the player's color.
谢谢分享。 集成1号补丁的汉化版才出,又蹦了2号升级……而汉化又说不出单独补丁……呃。 谢谢啊···················· 报告 汉化版 打了1.2升级补丁 运行不能 wwwwwwwwwwww;P 哈哈 好东西 如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请回复 汉化兼容不? dddddddddddd 谢谢分享 多谢螺柱~~~~
都是游戏截图啊 感謝分享喔 :lol:lol还好没下汉化版,还是坐等汉化补丁发布好点 感謝分享喔 感谢分享!!! 查看地址,谢谢提供地址哦。
感谢提供,外国人就是负责任啊! 1111111111 sadfkjslkdjflksdjflkjsdlkfjsdlkf
英文苦手!!!!!!!!!! 官方ie纷纷各十分了解 good thanks 支持汉化版吗? 既然有汉化了,那可以试试了 谢谢分享了 感谢分享等待汉化 汉化还能用吗