4月6日? 龙腾世纪3?宣布?
本帖最后由 德意志战车 于 2012-3-4 11:35 编辑据Bioware社区管理员下个月 6日 在波士顿 将会有新动作 质量效应 和 龙腾世纪 展示 以下原文
Howdy Boston fans (and those who are willing to travel to Beantown).
I'm pleased to announce that Dragon Age will be a part of the Penny Arcade PAX East
event in Boston Mass from April 6 through April 8! I can't reveal our full plans for
PAX East yet, but I can now confirm that we will be having a Dragon Age panel in the
Manticore theater on Friday April 6 from 3:00 till 4:00.Immediately following the
Dragon Age panel is a Mass Effect panel, so think about watching both!
As we hinted in the official PAX East program schedule, we will be giving special
recognition to fans who come out to the panel dressed as their favoriteDragon Age
We'll be revealing more details on what BioWare will be doing at PAX, who will be on
the Dragon Age and Mass Effect panels and more as we get closer to PAX East. Keep
checking back to this thread for updates.
We hope to see you in Boston!
有会员猜测可能会正式宣布龙腾世纪3不过可能性不是太大或许会是一个扩展DLC 不过无论怎样都是让兴奋地可能会在 今年E3 正是宣布 龙腾世纪3 估计将会在明年三月中旬发售或者 6月下旬不过按照 EA的一贯做法 时间就是金钱感觉还是2013年3月比较靠谱.这样的话龙腾世纪3 开发周期 24个月左右.相信一定会很期待. 以Bioware的实力 和充分的时间绝对 会让诟病D龙腾世纪2 的玩家 兴奋了. 希望bioware 龙腾世纪3部曲完美收棺.
以下 稍早前的新闻 龙腾世纪3 简介
游戏创意指导Mike Laidlaw,出品人Mark Darrah,艺术指导Matt Goldman和编剧David Gaider确认新作里,圣骑士与法师将进行全面战争。
对《龙腾世纪3》实战所操控的角色,团队声称Hawke的故事还未完结,还有机会与“起源”的Grey Warden碰面。不过仍然有可能会引入全新的主角。