EA 的origin商店出了3个装备DLC
本帖最后由 50MB/S 于 2012-2-10 10:29 编辑刚才浏览EA的商店看到3个新的补丁包~~
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - Sorcery Bonus Pack
Equip your hero with a unique selection of Sorcery-enhancing gear. Includes the unique armor set "Pensive Robes", a unique talisman, and three unique weapons to boost your magic attack damage, magic resistance, and mana regeneration skills.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - Finesse Bonus Pack
Equip your hero with a unique selection of Finesse-enhancing gear. This pack includes the unique armor set "Imminent Armor", a unique shield, and three unique weapons to boost your critical attack damage, evasion, and stealth skills.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - Might Bonus Pack
Equip your hero with a unique selection of Might-enhancing gear. Includes the unique armor set "Vigilant Mail", a unique shield, and three unique weapons to boost your damage resistance, health, and attack damage.
就是送一些初始套装的DLC 没必要 肯定辉破解的……放心…… 哪里是补丁…… 法师送套装+护符+3把武器盗贼送套装+盾+3武器 战士送套装+盾+3武器 造型独一无二而已 法师送套装+护符+3把武器盗贼送套装+盾+3武器 战士送套装+盾+3武器 造型独一无二而已 拆出来再炼。。造型啊 主要是。。。这个。。。造型~~是吧。。~
造型控撒~~~ 这种骗钱装备包太多了 ea的圈钱老手段了 。。。。。。。。 到还不算贵 就是想着法子骗钱 哈哈哈! 恩额哦~~~~回复一个 造型是关键啊 不急。坐等破解 pjsthen 发表于 2012-2-10 12:31 static/image/common/back.gif
不过关键属性就 ...
{:3_151:} 这就开始坑钱DLC了……出20几个没问题吧 话说,这给的不是紫装或黄装么?我现在锻造满了也只能拆到蓝色的,请问有可能拆紫的黄的么?? 锻造就是满级 也不能拆紫色这些 最多拆到蓝色