本帖最后由 lyvshalker2 于 2012-2-7 18:14 编辑IGN上搬过来的,网址在这:http://www.ign.com/wikis/kingdoms-of-amalur-reckoning/Recipes?objectid=64690顺便推广个QQ群,欢迎各位喜欢阿玛拉和单机游戏的童鞋们加入~ 104901361帖子中有什么错误或者补充的话也欢迎大家提出来^^
Fate Potion 听上去很厉害的样子,不知道什么用4x Essence of Fate在任务时进入命运模式击败敌人后有可能获得,反正我只拿到过2个。。
Liquid Seduction增加交涉成功几率1x Scarwood Bark
1x Tindertwig
1x Sky Blossom
Purification Potion去除疾病2x Embereyes
2x Ysa's Breath
Minor Alchemist's Art炼金技能暂时+11x Embereyes
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Assassin's Evasion 潜行技能暂时+11x Cripplespore Caps
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Blacksmith's Craft锻造技能暂时+11x Tindertwig
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Blazing Salve火焰伤害小幅增加2x Tindertwig
1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Bleeding Resistance流血抗性小幅增加2x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Burning Sentinel50%概率烧伤敌人 2x Tindertwig
1x Edelweiss
Minor Current Stopper闪电抗性小幅增加2x Eel Petal
1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Damage Boost应该是增加伤害的。。。3x Sativa Fibers
3x Star Thistle
2x Scarwood Bark
Minor Damage Deflection伤害抗性小幅增加2x Sativa Fibers
2x Star Thistle
1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Dispelling Boost驱魔能力+1 1x Star Thistle
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Experience Boost经验获得暂时+10%2x Prismere Dust
1x Leechwood Bark
Minor Flameguard火焰抗性小幅增加1x Tindertwig
1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Flesh Eater暂时的少量吸血能力 2x Black Cohosh
2x Leechwood Bark
Minor Force Potion物理伤害小幅增加2x Sativa Fibers
1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Freezing Sentinel50%概率冻结敌人2x White Flake
1x Edelweiss
Minor Frostbite寒冰伤害小幅增加2x White Flake
1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Frostguard寒冰抗性小幅增加 1x White Flake
1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Hardened Shell物理抗性小幅增加?2x Sativa Fibers
2x Ysa's Breath
Minor Healing Potion少量回复生命值2x Black Cohosh
1x Embereyes
Minor Healing Rege小幅提高生命值恢复速度2x Black Cohosh
1x Scarlet Flowstone
Minor Jeweled Shilelagh宝石加工暂时+11x White Flake
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Lightning Sentinel50%概率电击敌人2x Eel Petal
1x Edelweiss
Minor Lightning Storm 闪电伤害小幅增加2x Eel Petal
1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Magebane魔法抗性小幅增加? 2x Star Thistle
2x Ysa's Breath
Minor Magic Amplification能力伤害小幅增加2x Star Thistle
2x Scarwood Bark
Minor Magic Precision魔法暴击小幅增加2x Scarab Salts
1x Star Thistle
Minor Mana Potion少量回复魔法 2x Softscrabble Powder
1x Embereyes
Minor Mana Regen少量增加魔法恢复率2x Softscrabble Powder
1x Scarlet Flowstone
Minor Mana Sap暂时少量吸取魔法2x Softscrabble Powder
2x Leechwood Bark
Minor Merchant's Command暂时增加交易技能1x Sativa Fibers
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Phasewalk隐形?2x Star Thistle
1x Cripplespore Caps
2x Sky Blossom
Minor Piercing Serum流血伤害小幅增加 2x Scarwood Bark
1x Scarlet Flowstone
Minor Precision物理暴击小幅增加2x Scarab Salts
1x Sativa Fibers
Minor Social Grace交涉技能暂时+11x Leechwood Bark
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Sorcerer's Intelligence暂时小幅提高最大生命值 2x Softscrabble Powder
2x Star Thistle
Minor Serpent's Venom
2x Cripplespore Caps
1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Slashing Fury流血伤害小幅增加2x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Steeled Curtain小幅提高护甲2x Seaflax
1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Thief's Cunning开锁技能暂时+11x Eel Petal
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Tracker's Draugh侦测隐藏技能暂时+1 1x Scarab Salts
1x Sky Blossom
Minor Venomguard小幅提高毒抗2x Cripplespore Caps
1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Warrior's Strength小幅提高生命值 2x Black Cohosh
2x Sativa Fibers
Greater Alchemist's Art2x Embereyes
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
Greater Assassin's Evasion2x Cripplespore Caps
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
Greater Blacksmith's Craft2x Tindertwig
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
Greater Blazing Salve3x Tindertwig
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Greater Bleeding Resistance2x Scarlet Flowstone
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Greater Burning Sentinel3x Tindertwig
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
Greater Current Stopper2x Eel Petal
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Greater Damage Boost4x Sativa Fibers
4x Star Thistle
3x Scarwood Bark
1x Essence of Fate
Greater Damage Deflection3x Sativa Fibers
3x Star Thistle
2x Ysa's Breath 1x Essence of Fate
Greater Dispelling Boost2x Star Thistle
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
Greater Experience Boost3x Prismere Dust
2x Leechwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Greater Flameguard2x Tindertwig 2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Greater Flesh Eater3x Black Cohosh
3x Leechwood Bark
1x Scarwood Bark
Greater Force Potion3x Sativa Fibers
3x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Greater Freezing Sentinel3x White Flake
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
Greater Frostbite3x White Flake
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Greater Frostguard2x White Flake
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Greater Hardened Shell
3x Sativa Fibers
3x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Greater Healing Potion3x Black Cohosh
2x Embereyes
1x Bloodroot
Greater Healing Rege3x Black Cohosh
2x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Bloodroot
Greater Jeweled Shilelagh2x White Flake
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
Greater Lightning Sentinel3x Eel Petal
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
Greater Lightning Storm3x Eel Petal
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Greater Magebane3x Star Thistle
3x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Greater Magic Amplification3x Star Thistle
3x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Greater Magic Precision3x Scarab Salts
2x Star Thistle
1x Scarwood Bark
Greater Mana Potion3x Softscrabble Powder
2x Embereyes
1x Bloodroot
Greater Mana Regen3x Softscrabble Powder 2x Scarlet Flowstone1x Bloodroot
Greater Mana Sap3x Softscrabble Powder
3x Leechwood Bark
1x Scarwood Bark
Greater Merchant's Command2x Sativa Fibers 2x Sky Blossom 1x Bloodroot
Greater Phasewalk2x Star Thistle
1x Cripplespore Caps
2x Sky Blossom
1x Essence of Fate
Greater Piercing Serum3x Scarwood Bark
3x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Sativa Fibers
Greater Precision3x Scarab Salts
2x Sativa Fibers
1x Scarwood Bark
Greater Social Grace2x Leechwood Bark
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
Greater Sorcerer's Intelligence3x Softscrabble Powder
3x Star Thistle
1x Bloodroot
Greater Serpent's Venom3x Cripplespore Caps
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Greater Slashing Fury3x Scarlet Flowstone
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Greater Steeled Curtain2x Seaflax
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Bloodroot
Greater Thief's Cunning2x Eel Petal2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
Greater Tracker's Draught2x Scarab Salts
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
Greater Venomguard2x Cripplespore Caps
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Greater Warrior's Strength3x Black Cohosh
3x Sativa Fibers
1x Bloodroot
Master Alchemist's Art2x Embereyes
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Assassin's Evasion2x Cripplespore Caps
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Blacksmith's Craft2x Tindertwig
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Blazing Salve3x Tindertwig
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Bleeding Resistance2x Scarlet Flowstone
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Burning Sentinel3x Tindertwig
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Current Stopper2x Eel Petal
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Dispelling Boost2x Star Thistle
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Experience Boost3x Prismere Dust
2x Leechwood Bark
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Force Potion3x Sativa Fibers
3x Scarwood Bark
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Flameguard2x Tindertwig
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Flesh Eater3x Black Cohosh
3x Leechwood Bark
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Essence of Fate
Master Frostbite3x White Flake
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Frostguard2x White Flake
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Freezing Sentinel3x White Flake
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Hardened Shell3x Sativa Fibers
3x Ysa's Breath
2x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Healing Potion3x Black Cohosh
2x Emebereyes
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Health Regen3x Black Cohsoh
2x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence fo Fate
Master Jeweled Shilelagh2x White Flake
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Lightning Sentinel3x Eel Petal
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Lightning Storm3x Eel Petal
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Magebane3x Star Thistle
3x Ysa's Breath
2x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Magic Amplification3x Star Thistle
3x Scarwood Bark
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Magic Precision3x Scarab Salts
2x Star Thistle
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Essence of Fate
Master Mana Potion3x Softscrabble Powder
2x Embereyes
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Mana Regen3x Softscrabble Powder
2x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Mana Sap3x Softscrabble Powder
3x Leechwood Bark
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Essence of Fate
Master Merchant's Command2x Sativa Fibers
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Piercing Serum3x Scarwood Bark
3x Scarlet Flowstone
2x Sativa Fibers
1x Essence of Fate
Master Precision3x Scarab Salts
2x Sativa Fibers
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Essence of Fate
Master Social Grace2x Leechwood Bark
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Sorcerer's Intelligence3x Softscrabble Powder
3x Star Thistle
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Serpent's Venom3x Cripplespore Caps
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Slashing Fury3x Scarlet Flowstone
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Steeled Curtain2x Seaflax
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Thief's Cunning2x Eel Petal
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Tracker's Draught2x Scarab Salts 2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Master Venomguard2x Cripplespore Caps
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
Master Warrior's Strength3x Black Cohosh
3x Sativa Fibers
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate